3 days sober can’t sleep
Any suggestions
Maybe long walks some exercise , warm bath before bedtime i sometimes drink a herbal tea in the evening
Exhaust yourself and If it’s not working than you have to Go Throu it. It gets better!
It gets better. Believe in your recovery and put sobriety first. Some lost sleep will not be as damaging as using. I promise it gets easier, but don’t give in. Go with it, get tired out, sleep if you can. If you can’t then listen to sober podcasts or read and rest.
In my first days I listened to AA meetings as I rested, well into the wee hours… I didn’t feel as alone. Those hours are so quiet and dark, so it was great to take comfort in others words and progress for me.
Good luck
Love this suggestion. I am going to try it. That is why I love this place.
Luckily In The Rooms has consistent and regular meetings on USA time…perfect for European night …
Let me know if you need a link or anything but use the web based ITR NOT THE APP!