
I know the 12 steps, i know the brain anatomy and what happens when i drink. I know the hurt i cause my family and friends, but i camt stay sober. Am i the lost cause thats talked about in the big book? I sure feel like it…


Welcome to the forum, @Cantsoberup92, I am sorry that you are struggling to stay sober.

I obviously don’t know a lot about your specific situation, so wanted to ask you two questions that you can maybe chew on for a bit:

  1. Why do you drink?
  2. Do you want to stay sober and if so, for what reason(s)?

These may seem fairly basic, but experience teaches us that we can only stay sober for ourselves and that chances of staying sober when not addressing root causes are slim to none.

Hang in there, we’re all here to help.

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Welcome to the community.

I second Dirk’s question: is your wish being sober?.one day at a time?

This community is a huge resource of help if you let it.
Do you think your name cantstaysober is a name you want to read every time you come here?

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I felt the same as cantsoberup, a lost cause. Friends told me not to drink today, whatever happens, don’t drink about it now, tomorrow maybe I can, just not today. They also said to think the drink through…will drinking about a situation give me an answer or resolution to whatever my issue was? Based on my history, will a drink make my situation better or worse? And also, stay busy and stay with positive, sober people.

I went from someone who had to drink every 15 minutes to having 40 and 2/3 years clean and sober.

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I dont think u are the “lost cause” that they speak about in the BB. And im sorry to hear ur struggling with sobriety. I read that u know the 12 steps, but have u done the steps thoroughly with a sponsor? I have done the steps a few times over the course of my recovery and continue to do steps 10, 11, and 12. When i had relapsed after doing the steps, there was usually something that I was missing within those steps. Maybe a sponsor could help you to figure out that piece. But keep at it Ash :slight_smile: Also welcome to the forum! This forum has been a HUGE place of support for me in my recovery. Hope it is for u too! Its one of the main factors that has helped me stay clean and sober.

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