Card Messages

Very appropriate, especially for those of us who struggle with past experiences often.



Wow, just got this one today:

" What is the addiction in my life and what am I trying to avoid with it?"


Verslaving = addiction?

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Yes it is! :+1:

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Reminds me of the English word: enslave. Which makes sense because we can become a slave to the addiction. The addiction gets everything and in return I get nothing. Interesting.


Today I pulled some cards for myself for some guidance. I’m on the right track!

Pulled cards for myself today:

What do I need to know right now: Winter Solstice
Review this last year, what have you learned & What are your dreams for the future? Honor what has happened and let it go. Consider what is before you and where you can grow without limitations. Patience is required, each cycle has its place and this is necessary

What should I do next: Creation
Align yourself with spirit through breathing. It will bring focus. Ditch your habitual thought patterns that prevent your manifestations from happening. Allow yourself to take risks & creation will smile upon you.

What will be the end result: Solitude
You need to take time in solitude and silence. Spend time alone with no structure. Move past your barriers and enjoy your solitude. Observe the thoughts and emotions that pass through. Connect to who YOU truly are and then reconnect with the world.


I love these card sets that everyone has!!

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I haven’t pulled a card for this thread in a while so I thought today would be a great day for that where I got a new deck this week that I LOVE! I’ve been pulling for individuals more than anything lately so if you ever want one pulled specifically for you, let me know!

Today’s card is a great one!


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That last line is similar to something I do often. I envision basically roots coming from my body down to the core of the earth for grounding. It really seems to help!

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I touched on spiritualism a a few years back. I was taught to link myself to the earth through roots going down through me. To draw the power up and through my chakras.
It is something I have kinda returned to lately.
It’s something I’d like to look into more.

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That’s GREAT stuff Geo! :heart: Been helping me heal a lot

Today’s card

Today’s card:

Today’s cards:


Today’s cards

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