Celebrating 60 days today

Hi everyone, first time posting. I hit my 60 days today. It feels…good? But odd because i want to celebrate with a beer. I have had a few non-alcoholic ones here and there…i feel like i am cheating? I am craving the flavor so often. 60 days is the longest i have made it in years. The positive changes are very apparent and outweigh the bad.


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Welcome to the community and congratulations on your 60 days.
Nice to have you here :blush:


Welcome to Talking Sober! And also congratulations to your 60 days. I’m so proud of you. :smiling_face::heart:


Welcome to the community and a huge congrats on your 60 days!!!


Welcome to TS and congratulations on your 60 days, that’s so fantastic! :partying_face: What’s your favorite change so far in your first 2 months?

It was always natural to me to celebrate (or forget) everything with a drink so in my sobriety it took some re-wiring to celebrate in another way. I’ve come to realize that drinking poision is not a good way to celebrate anything for me it turns out lol. There’s lots of great ways you can celebrate your milestones sober! :heart:

Your mention of feeling like it’s cheating with the N/A drinks stood out to me and made me think of my sponsor. She reset her sober date to the last day she drank N/A wine as she noticed when she was honest about her reasons for drinking it, she was using it as a substitute for the real thing. She wasn’t trying to change her habits, she was clinging to the old way of life and romanticizing the drink. It may be a little excessive to reset a sober date over N/A drinks, but I can also see where it can be a slippery slope for some of us and she was firm on staying off that path. Only you can decide what’s right for you. If it feels like you’re cheating when you drink it, your inner voice may be speaking to you. I don’t share this to remotely suggest what you should do, I don’t have experience with N/A drinks personally but I share her story as it really spoke to me about the cunning, powerful and baffling nature of these addictions-Especially around milestones it seems. Reading your post brought that to mind so I felt I should share that story as it likely came to mind for a reason.

Congratulations again on your first 60 days! That’s a pretty big deal. :heart:


Welcome to the forum! And congratulations on 60 days!!!


Thank you for this. I agree with what you mentioned about my inner voice speaking to me. I certainly think it is a fight or flight moment in the sense that my brain and body knows what used to come next after a drink (gulit, shame, regret…) So out of that past conditioning, comes this feeling of panic before ive even done anything. Regardless, i am coming to the conclusion that it may be best to step out of that N/A ring for my own mental peace.
My favorite change so far is that I am FAR less irritable. My sleep is better…im finding joy again in spending time with my loved ones, and not as concerned about when i can have my next drink.
Overall. It is pretty darn good. :blush:


This is some pretty incredible stuff right here! Keep on going my love, one day at a time :heart:

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Bbq time

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Way to go on 60 days of freedom from alcohol!

Celebrate in any way that will help you stay committed to your sobriety.

For some that may be an N/a beer. For some it will be cookies or a new outfit, or an excursion to a favorite park. If drinking an N/a isn’t going to help you, then don’t do it.

I have an na beer once in a while. It is lovely and does not make me lose my mind and change all the work I’ve done to become sober.

Congrats on your 60 days and keep up the good work!

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Congratulations on 60 days :sunflower::notes:

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