Challenge to stop wasting money on food

Seriously wish I had your realization when I was younger. I’m 28 and need to grocery shop more often.


When I was a young Marine Sergeant, father to a toddler, married to a stay-at-home mother, house and car payment, we lived on a very tight budget.

I ate oatmeal with raisins and butter every morning and ramen or leftovers every day for lunch if I wasn’t deployed or in the field. I ate a regular dinner, mostly of rice, chicken and eggs or canned tuna. On Sundays we went to a cheap local all-you-can-eat buffet, and I would eat so much meat I would have to lay down in the backseat while my ex drove home. I shrimped and fished a lot on weekends during the seasons to fill the freezer.

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That was his actual nickname lol

[Removed by @System]

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This almost made me spit out my coffee (through my nose)

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32, but I want to work more

At this speed I will have to wait one year to afford a drivers licence, I’m an addict, I want it right away lol

Went shopping when I went to my friends place Tuesday. Luckily got lots of free drinks from a new brand, otherwise I would’ve spent double the amount.

I just realised I had a typo @Mephistopheles, I said I had 32 hours a week, but I meant to say 12 hours a week.
Edit: I’m dumb, the question was per month and not per week lol, sorry for the unnecesarry ping :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Cycling 30 km/20 miles in the middle of a heatwave and saw a McDonald’s

Did you enjoy the mc Donald’s

I sure did

School has started again…

You could put a ‘emergency only’ euro note (like 10€) in your wallet and leave all credit cards at home. And uninstall payment apps from your phone :slight_smile:

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Damn I have issues, I gotta get my act together. Imma start using my savings account instead of being a stubborn ass trying to prove himself that he can do this his way.

€260,53-€8,57=€251,98. Went grocery shopping for my sister as she’s home with CoVid symptoms. At 6 PM(Dutch dinner time) I was still 2 hours from home, so I went to a snack bar