Challenge to stop wasting money on food

Hey all. I can’t save money. It’s impossible for me. That’s what I tell myself. One thing I sure do love is proving myself wrong in a positive way.
At 17 it’s about my last chance to get my financial situation in order before the big responsibilities of adulthood. So I’ve decided not to spend any more money on unnecessary food.

I encourage others who also think they're spending too much money on food to join me.

I will keep an accurate count of money saved by counting up all income and then deduct the amount of money I've wasted on food

It will be easier to control by creating a budget / allotment for food. Pre-set how much you believe is an appropriate amount to set aside for food and to make it even simpler, if you don’t already have a bank account, create one, and pay yourself first after every paycheck. Money automatically goes into savings and then you do what you need to/ want to with the rest without guilt.


Current savings: €142,24-€10,98-€10,58=€120,68

That’s a good solution, but I want to stop buying unncessary food entirely, yet still be able to buy other things, like a new mountainbike or repairs for my current mountainbike. I wouldn’t be able to access that money if it’s in a savings account. But thanks for the idea though, I may tinker with it a bit to see if there’s a way to take advantage of my savings account

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What is unnecessary food to you? Like sweets, treats, sugary, unhealthy? Or just mindless eating? I’ve got it on my counter to eat mindfully, which has helped dramatically in regards to savings because I used to eat out alot, plus I used to eat crap.

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I live at home and my mom buys plenty of healthy and good food for me, so basically all food I buy myself.
I’ve also tried to eat vegetarian in my past and may eventually try to do a raw unprocessed food diet like you, but it’s inconvenient atm since my mom would have to buy more food than usual and we currently don’t have the money for that. And my mom unconsciously doesn’t support my attempts at a vegetarian lifestyle.


I’m also focused on saving money on food. But my situation is more complicated. I do have to buy food. The issues are how much to buy, will I actually eat it, and buying things mainly because they’re on sale. I have disfuncional satiation perception, so it’s difficult for me to determine beforehand how much to buy and prepare. Then I have to fight the urge to eat it all and harm myself rather than waste it. I’ve come a long way in this. But I have struggled with this all my life. One of my earliest memories is of my dad scolding me for filling my bowl to much with cereal such that it overflowed when I poured in the milk. He got really upset with me because I kept doing it.


Understood. I’m definitely not trying to encourage you to go raw vegan lol, especially buying organic it can get pricey. Just eating MINDFULLY. Choosing to eat only when hungry, not emotionally, when upset or bored or sad etc. That’s saved me tons over the past few months.


You must have a good pocket money lol

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I work at a supermarket where I earn about €150 a month. I tend to waste all of it on food


I used to make fresh carrot juice. It was so good. People told me I was turning orange.


That actually happens when you eat to much carrot

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I guess so, but I didn’t notice it. :smile:

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Its not healthy and potentially lethal.

There was a man who turned blue


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paul karason

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The positive side-effects from a youtube addiction lol

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I run the stewardship ministry at my church. I counsel people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who are trying to put their finances in order. My advice:

Make a written zero-based budget. Every Euro is allocated on paper, before the month begins. If you don’t tell your money where to go, you will wonder where it went.

Debt: avoid it. If you find yourself in it, work like hell to get out of it.


You know that great smell when you walk past a bakery hahahaha :man_facepalming: