Challenges that I’m trying to overcome

I’m just trying to fulfill a promise to myself. I get so sick of going on the merry-go-round of getting sober, staying on focus, then I feel good and like I can start drinking responsibly again. I tend to forget the dark moments and try to hop on the party wagon again.


Stuck there right now, I understand how it feels .

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Such a scary out of control feeling. I hate it :-1:

There’s a quote that goes “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired”, and that helped me to start my alcohol free journey, and it always stuck with me. Good luck with your journey, “it works if you work it” is also a good one too.

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Thank you! :pray: sometimes I just feel discouraged and disappointed in myself. I’ve tried to quit probably 100 times in the past, but sometimes I just feel like I’m a lost cause.

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It’s not a party wagon, it’s a death sentence

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I know its not a good time in the long run but in the past I’ve just said f*!k it I’ll quit next time… this is next time for me. I know i have to quit it so may as well be now. The fact we keep trying shows we have the desire

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I feel that way too!!! I got so drunk Saturday night and woke up Sunday throwing up and needing to apologize to my friends about my behavior. That was the last straw for me. In the past, I’ve tried to quit or reduce but today was the first day I finally took charge and for me, that looked like dumping all of my open containers down the drain and putting all the closed one in a bag to donate. It looks different for everything but I wanted to validate your feelings and share what worked for me. I’m four days sober but I was blown away that I was able to actually dump the alcohol I had on hand