Changes you have noticed in your face since quitting drinking

Binges would wreck my face for days. Blotchy complexion, eye bags, generally looking old and worn at 29. Thin hair even thinner.

Only that my eyes arenā€™t puffy and dark anymore. Other than that Iā€™m still outrageously handsome as ever.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi! Itā€™s just day 7 for me. My face is normally very thin and my skin is quite pale so, as absurd as it may seem, after a night of drinking and no sleep my swollen red cheeks made me look younger and healthy. My friends always noticed that and we joked about the benefits of alcohol, and drank more. My stomach and my head had a different opinion, but I didnā€™t listen to them. Now all this has to stop. After only 7 days I can say that my skin is less dry but this is also because Iā€™m finally taking some time to take care of myself. I remember exactly what I do every night before going to sleep!!!

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I feel able to look at myself in the mirror without shame. I think my skin is clearer and less puffy - there was always a kind of deadness to it when I drank - and I think my eyes are brighter and clearer. But I donā€™t know how much of this is more psychological than physical. I just donā€™t feel disgusted with myself so itā€™s easier to find self-acceptance.

My skin feels smoother too, and itā€™s only been 3 days.