

Just hit 60 days today.

Hi everyone

Hi there awesome peoples!

Day 37, One month, It wasn’t flawless… had a slip my second week quit wanted to Butt puff. But I had to recommit. Feeling a little bit depressed at the same time. I’m going to fight…One day at a time!


Congrats guys. Ive got 38 measly hours. But its a start

Have to start somewhere @Ashley92


If anyone need support. Dont be afraid to message me.

Day 33, strange

Great job on 38 hours and 33 days!

Movie watching today. Chilling in new England

Anybody there?

Hi reached a month today


Danna17 I’m doing good today, greatfull for another day sober, 604 days today. You have 36 days now? Keep it going it gets easier. Life is good on the other side :+1:

Hello everyone how is everyone holding up?

I’m coming up on 100 days this Thursday. :smile:I’m so proud of myself.

Not going to lie having mad cravings for something tho and not my drug of choice . Just weed but I see nothing wrong with marijuana plus I’m getting my medical card as soon as I get out of this recovery house . :rofl: