
Hi all, new here just saying hello. Have had a 20 + years battle with alcohol and although my awareness has risen better over past couple of years it’s now time to stop it for good, had enough.

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Hey. Good morning everyone I’m new here I’ve managed 11 out of 14 days AF. I live in UK on South Coast in a little town called Bognor Regis… Would love some pals on here pretty please

Hi! My name is Maud, and Im from Sweden…:two_hearts:

I hope all of u have a awsome day! :sunny:

5 months 2 days Sober, and feeling great. This year has been amazing this far. My daughter received a multi organ transplant in February, and is doing great. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way things are going.

First day

Day 16, feeling fresh!

This is day one in my sober journey is what I decided I’m going to call it

3 months Sober today. By the Grace of God go I.

4 days, first time I am trying…



263 days Alcohol free some days are harder than others but have to keep pushing through…And hey look I’m really doing this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


118 for me

Hello my sober firends

It’s only day 3 clean from pot, can’t wait till it’s out of my system for good

New here. Day 1! Hello :blush:

Good morning family. 14 days today. Just to wake up on Saturday morning and still have money in the bank is truly a blessing. Thank you God.
