Check in weekend is coming up

Hey guys. Day 4 of being sober from alcohol. Just seeing how everyone is doing! The week usually isn’t an issue for me. The weekend is my weakness and it’s coming up. I’m also going to be around friends who I don’t see often and they’ll be drinking.


I’m sure the urge will come. If I can get through this weekend that’ll be HUGE for me. Will be the first in some time.

Well done on the 4 days, keep up the great work.

My days to double my guard are Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, though not particularly because it’s the weekend but more because I am alone on those days. So this weekend I will be on these forums and looking at pictures of my son playing football (funny how a teenager can inspire you, yet you can’t inspire him to get a bloody shower)

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I hate to give this advice…

This weekend, stay home. Don’t go out. Don’t hang out with friends.

I know that this idea sucks…because we really don’t want our lives to change because of all this. But the first week really is hard to deal with the temptations. Heck, I think the first few months can be hard. You really need to develop your sober legs.

UNLESS of course you feel as though these friends are you true mates and that you can be honest with them about your sobriety and that they will be 200% supportive. But honestly, I think most of us have the kind of friends who will say “That’s great. I admire that. But one beer won’t hurt, will it?”


That’s good advice no matter where you are in sobriety. If you aren’t feeling comfortable being in a situation where booze is involved you should avoid the situation.


I agree with @VSue…stay home. The 1st weekend is the hardest. Don’t put yourself in a situation so early in recovery.

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I drink like an idiot on the weekends. I went to a friends house last weekend, got plowed and made a total ass out of myself.

I probably won’t be going anywhere for a while until I’m ready to make some rough decisions.

Your life isn’t mine, but I know it doesn’t take much to talk me into drinking like a moron when I’m around my friends at the moment

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Appreciate all you guys