Checkin in after a while

I’m still sober. Almost three months now. Having a hard night, so decided to come here.
I know I’m becoming a better person, with self respect and healthy boundaries, but tonight I feel lonely. I’ve never felt lonely before, there always was someone around for the good time… so grateful for sobriety and healthy lifestyle, just growth is done alone and it gets lonely. That’s all.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Early on alone time was hard for me. I wasn’t use to it but I’m at a place now where I enjoy it and almost prefer it. It’s a balance and it will get easier.


Sobriety can be lonely. My drinking buddies saw me more often than just about anyone else. I don’t know the perfect thing to say here but I hear you. I’m glad you reached out and congrats on three months!

I’m getting ready to start a movie after work and not drink my face off on my way to making poor decisions. Sobriety can be lonely but I enjoy the newfound calm in my life. We are here if you need us. :blush:


When I was a huge drinker I had a ton of friends, we would go around town often up to a group of like twenty / thirty of us in nightclubs and various bars. Some were better friends and some were just really acquaintances. I only see a couple of them now really and that’s it. Yeah, my weekends are slow and measured and calm and I do not have a tonne of connections or social times. It can get lonely sometimes, but this is safer for me

You don’t have to be super lonely though, find sober interests and friends if possible: still life art class, book club, the gym, running club. Volunteer. I’m starting to take my own advice as well here and I’ve started to make small conversations before gym class, throw out a smile and a wave to fire connections. People are generally trustworthy around good energy input areas like self improvement and wholesome interests and I am going to align more with them now rather than drug and drink culture. Find your people, take time to carefully curate your new schedule into something enriching.

And of course, we are here as well. :heart:


Hey and well done on your sobriety and for coming here to get advice, in the early stages first few months i felt like that and panicked how was i gonna meet snd make new friends but it gets easier and your confidence grows and you become comfortable with being and doing things by yourself . Keep going you got this :+1: ADAAT :muscle:


Great work on your sobriety Ari.

How was your night? Glad you decided to come here and let it out…hope it helped.

Recovery can feel lonely, especially when we have to shed many parts of our old lifestyle. I found that by keeping myself busy I was able to combat that loneliness and gives me time to work on myself at my own pace.

This app has really helped me not feel alone. I am not one for social media but being here i feel understood and definitely not alone.

Hoping you are having a wonderful Saturday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you guys, I knew I came to right place. I am active and have hobbies and a schedule to keep me sober, but there’s just sometimes when I’m home alone w the dogs that I wish I wasn’t alone. It happens a few times a month. But I’m believing in my vibe attracts my tribe. So just vibing…


I just downloaded this app and it’s pretty cool the journaling part of it and I didn’t know you could interact with others in recovery until just now. Just saying hi and I’m grateful for your shares.


Your best teacher is your last mistake