Checking in as often as I have to to NOT RELAPSE!

I was in this cycle for months. Every few days I’d feel better from my last Bender and go at it again. It took some scary blackouts to get me to stop.


Meetings… where are you at with finding meetings??

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I started rehab based Mindfullness last Friday and I’ve made a sober buddy to go to meetings with hopefully this week. :slight_smile:


Hang in there, you can do it!:facepunch:


2 day 1 hour 41mins sober. Checking in before bed. Having some dinner and getting into my study instead really worked well in distracting me. Time flew by. Before I knew it bed time. I just need to keep choosing my studies. I have 2 months to finish all 3 of my certificates. I worked out a study plan. I cant have my qualifications AND weed. They just don’t work for me. So I’m gna keep choosing my study. Keep choosing my future. Thanks for all the love and support. I’m sure ill need it again tomorrow hehe Thank God for another full day sober. Amen. 🕇


Sleep well, keep it up, 2 days down you got this.

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If something is important to us, we will find a way. If it isn’t, we will find an excuse.

Focus on how important getting your certifications are. Laser focus, and no room for excuses.


Your strength is inspiring, you refuse to give up :muscle: You’ll going to succeed, I believe in you :green_heart:

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I’m kinda new here you are strong and you have helped so many others on here. I hope you get this, keep up the fight. Someone gave this to me Sunday night. I have been sober now for 57 hours. For all of us this is a battle worth fighting. “Bless the Lord who is my immovable Rock.He gives me strength and Skill in Battle”


Morning everyone!! It’s 9am in New zealand atm. Thanks for all the motivation. Was nice to wake up and start the day with some positive words :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes: Checking in this morning at 2 days 11 hours 58 minutes. Feeling much less foggy than yesterday morning so yay! Having a morning coffee and taking a minute to be grateful for another sober day. Thank God for my will to choose no matter how i feel! 🕇


Good job! Best of luck with your studies today.

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How has your day gone? I decided to tell my husband that i thought I needed to go into AA and he said i didnt have a problem.

The real problem is that fact that i can hide my alcoholism well! I’m 5 days sober and 2 days of meetings. I DO NOT WANT TO RELAPSE!

So, I called my old best friend that has been sober for 3 years and she’s going to my 2nd meeting with me tonight!


You can do it girl!!! Check in as often as you need!

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You got this @Swam! Glad to see you still here :slight_smile:

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Really a treasure,every day. Unpacking a gift and when the day passes like u open it and boom sober day inside, then i want another one and another one and all the presents to be a day free of self destruction and misery :slight_smile:


@MoBama well done you little star! That insight into your own abilities to fool the people around you is GOLD! Don’t lose that ability to observe yourself. And u know yourself better than anyone. So good friggin job for still being here and still checking in. Good work! Keep it up lovely!

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Checking in for today! Legacy meeting tonight. I cannot wait! Hoping everyine is staying strong!!! God save us all. Amen! 🕇


so proud of you. and so happy to see you back here! Keep up the good fight! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


You are the ultimate authority of your destiny. I believe in ya. You can do it!


I went to an AA meeting once spur of the moment without telling my partner because I was worried about my drinking. My partner is super supportive in every aspect but when I said I went to AA they couldn’t believe it.

I think when people who don’t have a problem then of AA they think of drunks of park benches whose life has completely collapsed.

Well done on persevering, I hope you find the meetings helpful!