Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7

Thank you Ariel :sweat_smile:

You are a true inspiration on here, with your awesome numbers, insights, and motivations. Thank you! :pray::heart:


Thank you so much. Turned out the people we were meeting didn’t drink either! We had a nice time and it was easy. I tend to assume going out to dinner means wine, because it always used to mean that to me. But I realize there are other worlds out there. And you can socialize without alcohol and it can be nice. Amazing but true.


Day 51! Today was hard. I’m still struggling with cravings and dealing with some emotional stability problems, which has been challenging. Plus tonight is my first night off from work/school in 1.5 months, so that has been hard just being alone.


Alone is hard. Remember the 5 p’s, poor planning produces poor performance.

Congrats Jason! Keep on keeping on :muscle::clap:

Day 45 of my second sobriety run. The first one lasted over a year. I had a craving to go to the watering hole tonight after an emotional trigger. Worked through it and now it’s gone.


Sending you love and strength Lea. :heart:

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@C_8 @C_8!!
Just for you!!


Day 7 starts


Thank you Mno.

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  1. I can say now my vacation is next month Yay! But go to work some more first. Like right now this weekend. Helped my friend with lots of stuff in my two free days (she suffers from a nasty autoimmune disease) , had a fight with her too. And a good talk. All in all it’s good. She helps me growing. She’s not easy. but neither am I. Keep going forward all. One day at a time. Clean and sober. Have a good day and weekend all! Love from Amsterdam.

Day 453. I am regretting my decision to do my exposure therapy homework on the weekend, the time I’m supposed to use to recover, not dial up the challenge. I didn’t have a lot of choice for time slots to put it in, though, so it is what it is.

Had an amazing psychiatrist appointment today, lots of good stuff to think on and work on. Survived all my groups. Got my music practice in. I’m having some sort of writer’s block though with my music, which sucks, but I guess it happens and I need to ease off the pressure for a while.

Boy, I’m glad this is a temporary thing. My traffic light :vertical_traffic_light: is permanently on yellow now. All the barely making it through intersections, proceeding with caution, preparing to stop if necessary, all that fun super relaxing stuff…


Feeling very proud today today. Almost to 2 weeks. Yesterday and today my cravings were pretty wild. Not so much mental but more out of control physically. Its pretty weird. Maybe muscle related? Like they wouldnt relax. Not jiterry, but something. But I found aome things that have really helped me i wanted to share for others:

-Staying “comfortably full”. Not allowing to get hungry

  • Having almonds or baby carrots around at ALL times
  • Eating clean, no junk/fast/majorly processed food
  • going for dog walks, bike rides or doing Youtube workout vids
  • Reading posts on this app!
  • Planning my free time (when i get home im going to… clean, exercise, read, paint, etc)
  • Baths!! You might be like me and not be feeling it, but once youre in there it somehow mentally washing away the anxious cravings

Hope this helps someone. I really thought earlier today I would feel defeated as hell needing to seek council to get through the evening. But I following my steps & plans and feel much better again :black_heart:


Day 28 no alcohol and day 11 no pot. Very thankful for my early recovery group and all the people in it. Very thankful for everyone here and all the support. I don’t have support outside of those two outlets so I feel very lucky to be apart of both. Couldn’t make it otherwise. :heart:


Day 37 rolling in! I’ve had dreams about drinking for several nights now. I don’t know is it my brain processing this change or something. Awake I haven’t thought about drinking a lot, and certainly haven’t had any cravings whatsoever. This dream thing has happened before and I know it’s really common.

And if my brain wants to do some boozing in my dreams then hey, knock your self out. Let’s just keep the real life sober :smiley:


woke up with that day 91 and day 51 tiny downer after reaching a goal and moving on to the next but when you turn the app on and see days like this you can’t be anything but happy for people. Nice one and thank you for today’s motivation.


I’m doing both as well soooo a big fat well done to you.

Day 214! Feels like it’s been a while since I had a Saturday off. Think I’m gonna make a list and try to get stuff done.
Take care you all and have a great day!:sparkling_heart:


13 days no Cocaïne and 23 days no weed.

Today i go the gym with a fellow from NA, looking forward to it.



Geoff, Geoff, Geoff!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I was not expecting that! Huge congratulations, and Thank You!!

Sorry about the sleep though. :flushed: it’s nearly 3am here. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to sleep now :sweat_smile::kissing_heart:

PS: I even took a screenshot, it’s that beautiful :sweat_smile::pray::joy:

Edit: you’ve even got me looking on Spotify for the Steps song ‘5678’ :sweat_smile: