* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

400 when you awake, something to be proud of!! Congrats Liv…


84 Days/12 weeks. Coffee. Another work week begins. Went to NA last night. Thinking back it was pretty intense. Not sure what to make of my feelings. One thing that’s sure is I don’t want any drugs or alcohol. No clouding of the truth, of my thoughts, of my life. Love to be sober. Have a great sober Saturday all. Love from Amsterdam. @KevinesKay good to see you. Strength to you. Coming here daily helps me a lot.

  1. My contract will be extended! I am very happy about it. :grin:

It is insane to think how different I was 100 days ago, and the despair I was in. Thanks so much to everyone on this forum, really is such an inspiring and positive place. Happy 100 @Frantasticooo too :+1::facepunch:


Congratulations @jellyem, @emc2018, @anon30771928, @Ark with you’re milestones! :tada:
And @Joyce19 I’m happy for you girl! The job is yours again :facepunch:

Day 348 :coffee:
I have mentioned it often: I really like my sober mornings :heavy_heart_exclamation: Being downstairs at 6:30 at a saturday, being the first to cuddle the cat. Enjoying the calm and peacefull beginning of the day. Me, my cat, a candle burning and very important too: my coffee an TS. Just an ordinary morning.

But it’s absolutely not ordinary! A year ago I would have laid in my bed. Would be out of bed by 9.30 with a headache and a foggy head. Big chance that I wouldn’t remember what I did the night before :worried:
What a difference! But this is my new “normal”.
Me out of bed early already in my work out clothes ready to go to the gym.

I love it!! :heart:

Can’t share this enough: hard work pays off, sober life is so much better than a drinking one!!


Thank you @SoberWalker! I also enjoy my mornings. Every evening I prepare my coffee machine, looking forward to the next morning when I just have to press one bottom. Then, in the early morning, I am sitting in my little kitchen, reading here and there, having my coffee, fit for the day!


Hi @keiti, go to play store if you’re using an android and search for AA big book.



What an achievement, well done twin, this is a great day to be sober. Enjoy, you’ve earnt it! Keep adding those days and inspiring us all :kissing_heart::+1::confetti_ball::tada::wink::heart_eyes::blue_heart::blush:images-of-awesome-1


Home again, home again, jiggity jig. Had 6 glasses of ice water, two Red Bull’s and zero alcohol to drink. Had no desire, was not tempted. Would not have been able to do this a year ago. Got a lot of shit for not drinking and I could tell sober me was making a few of my co-workers a little uncomfortable at times. Did I care? Nope. Do you need to have it to have a good time? Absolutely not. Goodnight everyone…


Happy hundred @Ark and @Frantasticooo
@KevinesKay, great to see you bud. Keep up the good work.
@emc2018 you gotta treat yourself. No one else will and 60 days is something to be proud of
@Jennajen. Everyday sober is a big win. So 7 of them is awesome.
@aircircle, Ariel, sometimes that’s all we can do. Sit down and work it through. You know it’s makes you stronger. Just a reminder to me to stay vigilant.
@anon30771928, love you and your journey lady. Have a bit more faith in yourself. You know you are stronger than you think.
Have a great day guys
Day 303. That looks great don’t it?


The lyrics sure make sense👍. I guess deep down we are always reminded of this stuff and that’s why we’re seeking to better our lives by being sober etc…

Day 6 sober. No urges. Seems a very peaceful day. I hope to reach the Week sober :grinning:


You can do it Thomas. Have faith in yourself my friend.

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Day 301 and checking in …have a fantastic weekend you lovely lot :grin::sun_with_face::heart:


Day 52 and feeling great :woman_cartwheeling:. Getting ready for a birthday barbecue for an aunt and uncle.
You all have a fabulous sober weekend!


Awsome joy, I’ve just downloaded this …good shout :grin:

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Day 400. A quick connection through Heathrow on my way back from the trip to Germany. Trip was interesting, uplifting, fun and (with a little help from my friends) sober.

Had a moment of temptation last night. Still sneaks up even with a few days behind me. :roll_eyes: :v: :airplane:


Checking in on day 5. Still can’t sleep between 12&3every night, some of it is the baby keeping me up and some of it is that I’m still trying to get my body in the sober swing of things. Even though my sleep has been interrupted I feel pretty good finally!!!happy sober Saturday to you all :wink:


Welcome to the United Kingdom @Eke. :uk:
Glad you could spend a bit of your day 400 in our glorious Airport.:crazy_face:


Witj a little help from your friends Eke. Big congrats on 400 days of sobriety.