* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

This reminds me of the saying you don’t pick up where you left off, you pick up as if you had never stopped. Great job on 23 days. Keep stacking them on top of each other.


Congratulations on your month sober :muscle:t3:
If you can do 1 month you can do 2 months for sure!:blue_heart:


Congrats on a full month Kal! never feel sorry for saying stuff about your sobriety friend. It helps others and it helps yourself. You’re doing great. Anyway, Last month I went to a pop festival sober for the first time in my life. Had the same trepidations you’re having. Let me tell you it was absolutely AWESOME! It was better as I ever could imagine. The experience has enforced my sobriety considerably. Do it and I’m pretty sure you’ll experience it too. Enjoy!


Almost 1/2 way thru year 2 for you. Nice work!!! Keep leading they way, Lady…


Day 353 :coffee:
Strange day yesterday, my emotions were all over the place :pensive: Wasn’t my period, I’m over that years ago. But a crappy day it was. Had a needfull conversation with my husband about our relation and me not being happy in it. It was a good talk, but difficult.
Still having back pains so decided to not go to my Taiko drum lesson tonight. It was a introductory lesson. I’ve asked if I can come back another time when my back is healed.
Working day ahead, trying to be less active so my back is happy. Feeling relieved now I apped the Taiko group I’ll skip tonight. Looking forward to rest after work!


One thing I learn early in my recovery was find something to fill the void. Something you can do every day that makes you feel good about yourself. For me it was Cycling. When I was feeling down and lonely i would go to a coffee shop sit outside drink coffee and people watch. I would buy a random person a coffee and have a conversation. Some of these people were like me in recovery. Some became friends. Just for today remember you are not alone on this journey of recovery. We are all in this together world wide. 59 days is huge!! Keep up the good work and be kind to yourself. Your are awesome! Have fun and be safe!


Day 404: Check in not found. :warning:


Day 12,808 checking in.


Check in day 260.
Last -+ 2,5 Weeks of pregnancy. I am so excited when we will get to know this little one.
Boy or Girl is not Sure because the Last 4 Ultrasounds Had No good “sight” :wink:
WE have no preferences, gut we are very curious and excited.


105 :+1::facepunch:


Exiting days ahead! Good luck!! :heart:


Morning of day 17. Thursdays are a trigger for me because it is a big weekly deadline but tonight I’m going to go hang out with some sober friends for a few hours. Have a great day sober fam


Coming up to the end of day 5. Brains going between I’m not an alcoholic just have one!! Then 2 minutes later realising I am


It’s ok to have these thoughts Kal. This is the voice of your addiction, which you know. You just say no because you know. Don’t let it get the edge on you.
Don’t think about the future, one day at a time, yes?
But also don’t think about what you will be missing at the festival, or the rest of your life for that matter.
Think about what you’re going to gain. I’ve done a few concert’s and one day festivals sober now, and enjoyed them just as much as I would have done. If not more because I actually remember them.
Also, maybe start thinking that this year you may not be able to go.
I would say, if there is any doubt in your mind to give it a miss. Seriously, I’ve missed quite a few things early this year because I didn’t feel confident. Christmas and New Year for starters. One was a little festival in our village that a mate organises for the last 5 years. First time of not going. Not so much for the booze but for the drugs, I know I wouldn’t be able to say no. And even though I didn’t really have a problem with drugs, it’s still not clean in my book.
I could hear it from my house, when the band’s stop they have a DJ in the trees. I know where I would have been.
Anyway, just think about what is more important to you! :grinning:


Good morning you lovely bunch …day 306 and checking in, have a fantastic day guys :heart:


Day 11 sober.sobriety brings wisdom and clarity of mind. I wonder how easily I forgot that in the past


@Annaka what a joy! Boy or girl . A child is such a gift!!! :heart::two_hearts::green_heart::pray:t4:


Day 10. I feel great but also very anxious. Drinkinh coffee and planning the rest of my day. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Day 24 and feel loads better than yesterday! I feel hyper…it’s so strange how each day can be so very different. Anyone else get occasional night sweats? Last night and the night before I woke up wet through :weary: at least I’ve shifted that crappy foggy head thing… for now any who. Have a great sober day guys and gals :+1:xx


@Blondie1x I had night sweats for a while after I quit drinking. And day sweats. Sometimes it felt like my eyeballs were sweating. I was a mess and my body was definitely letting me know.

Day 188
Less knee pain, but I’m still pretty much completely housebound for the foreseeable future. Gotta figure out how to cut through the monotony, cuz even sitting in a chair to do sewing, puzzling, stuff on my computer, artwork, etc. puts a strain on my knee. And I am frightened beyond words of aggravating it and having the kind of pain that ensues. It’s indescribable.
For someone who was non-stop active, this is quite the change of circumstance.
Ah well. Short pity fest done for the day.

Have a thoroughly thober Thursday.