* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 364 done and more to come. :blush:


@Dejavu Dan, that is outstanding my friend!! Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment. You were one of the first to welcome me here on my day 1, and I’ve looked up to you ever since. I just love your whole vibe man - you are one of a kind!


Kick ass Dan!!! Congratulations!!


@Dejavu Beautifully done, Dan!! And a cute baby as a bonus!!

Day 205
It’s 2:30 a.m. Guess I should have expected this after a whopping 4-hour nap yesterday. Going to have some tea, watch another episode of Digging for Britain and maybe catch a few more Zzzzzzs.

Have a super sober Sunday :sun_with_face::blush:


122 :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Woohoo! This is fantastic.


Day 6 after my relapse. Its 7.50am here in the UK and I have already attended an online meeting. Had a great sober Saturday night. Hope you all have a great Sunday sober fam


Huge massive congratulations @Dejavu Dan! You really deserve to celebrate today with your cute family :heart_eyes:


I’ve been in an emotional relapse. I’ve been isolating, skipping meetings and seeking male attention. Tonight I went to another candlelight meeting and got my head right again. I was in need of refilling my cup. I saw some good female friends that helped get me back in track. I’m forever grateful for other ladies in AA. Tonight was good.


Day 323 and checking , feel like I’m going through a new rotation ,been focusing alot on acceptance, why I cant drink ,why I shouldn’t drink and I am realising that recovery is all out about acceptance. I hope you all have had a fantastic weekend :heart:, one day at a time you beautiful bunch :grin::grin::grin:


Oww, that sounds painfull again :pensive: Hope you feel better soon @TMAC. Do you have a diagnose for it? Is there something to do about it because it returns often? # Oh read allready you have joint arthritis. Ever tried CBD oil for the pain? Don’t know if it’s allowed in your country? It’s not addictive.

What happend @MissJules?

Good luck with the “Dam tot Dam” by bike @Mno! I did it running ones, it’s a great run with a lot of people watching and cheering to you! It’s one of the best runs I did in my life!
150 km is BIG! Go for it! :facepunch:

There you are @Dejavu!! One year sober mate!! Congratulations and welcome in the club :grin:
How does that sound: all goals completed?
I still found it odd to read. All goals completed? Hell no! :facepunch:
But let’s party today!! :confetti_ball: :heart:


Day 6 sober. Let us see if this time…
Going to the Church and begging a miracle


@Jenyoyo thank you :blush:. I am a kind of person that I need to pray. Finishing the retreat I found more peace and hope and I guess this is good for my recovery. Thank you friend :blue_heart::two_hearts::bear::dog:


Day 370 :coffee:
Chilling in my couch (or is it “on” my couch :hugs:) with cat and coffee in my ugly onesie.
Today I’m having a performance with my band. We are playing 2 new numbers and I’m in the front line and there will be a lot of audience.
So…I feel a bit of tension allready in my stomace.
Afterwards I’m going to laugh about it and for now it’s just how it is.
So onwards and upwards, another coffee and let’s face those stupid fears! :facepunch:



Outstanding work! :ice_cream::woman_cartwheeling::pray::sparkling_heart:


Thanks so much @Kipper @Blondie1x @Eke and @SoberWalker for your well wishes yesterday. I did it! And actually kind of enjoyed it. Most of it anyway! 50km in just under 12 hours.

Not feeling as terrible as I expected I would today, although I think I will be staying in bed a little longer.

I find that long distance walking is much like sobriety and also life. With persistence, determination, support from friends and quite a lot of sweat, you can achieve things that you didn’t think were possible :pray::sparkling_heart:


Congratulations again!! :star_struck::partying_face::sunglasses::bangbang:

Dasindog, Danny boy, listen, you’re one of the first persons I could identify from the mass of TS peeps when I had my first weeks without alcohol going on. And you were among the ones here who helped me through them. Ever grateful :pray: for having the opportunity of getting to know you here.
And abowe all freakin’ happy for your one year milestone today. And Penny looks so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Be proud and happy, Dan the man. I’m so proud of you :facepunch::+1::muscle::metal::sparkling_heart:


Day 110. I’m not a religious person but I went to religion services yesterday morning and it really set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Think I’ll do it again! Have a great Sunday everyone!


Wow! Congratulations on your year!!:confetti_ball::tada::balloon:Looks like you have a pretty good incentive . she is precious. :slight_smile:

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