* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

One word Awesome!!

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Raging ragweed headache today. Will be a short bike ride this morning :tired_face:
Day 9


Dan the man!
As others have said, you were one of the first people I connected with on here. You were over a month ahead, I aspired to be like you.
Though I didn’t do the big clear out, you can keep that one! :joy:
When we met in London it was just like meeting one of my heroes to me mate. Thanks for being here.


@Dejavu went to my ex’s house today to say hello to girls and my old garden shoes. The shoes are well and say hello :wave:


Amazing achievement Dan! You’re an inspiration, thank you :raised_hands:


How are you getting on in the new place? Do you have a garden?

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Day 257. Early morning hike. I love the fall. :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: I love my sobriety. A happy day to you all. Much love. Xx :tulip:


Dan, is today or tomorrow day 365?!?! Either way, so many congrats to you! You’ve done beautiful things this year and I’m proud of you! Loved your quote too. Thanks for inspiring & motivating me and sharing your story along the way. :heart:


Massive congratulations @Dejavu keep up the great work!!

PS It took me six months to decipher your screen name. Was calling you DAZZINDOG for a long time :joy:


Day 57. Some disturbing information came to my attention last night and I’m trying to remove it from my psyche. Feeling a lot of rage, anger, betrayal and embarrassment. A so called friend. I won’t drink though. I’ll process this news sober and try my best to manage the situation in the best way possible.


Awww I love those shoes, I’m glad they are ok! And you too! :wink:

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Day 15. I’m just grateful I’m not hungover lol . It’s Sunday and I usually would have been . Still have so much to fix in my life but at least this is one thing out the way.


Day 561.

I just read through the last 2 weeks of checkins and I have to say-watching the growth and challenges that have been/are being overcome has made my heart happy this morning! :heart: I just adore so many of you. Your hearts, resolve, determination, compassion, progress, growth- I could go on all day! It inspires me so thank you all for sharing your journies in here.

Life here has been very busy! Work has been nuts, my house is still is major disarray but most every day it improves more. Regardless of the craziness, I am at peace and am truly happy still inside. Even with quite long days and not much rest at all! I have felt like the energizer bunny but it’s felt great to finally have movement, I have waited a long time for this shift.

I got a couch this week so I am making good use of it this morning and resting for a few while checking TS before I start in again. :grin:

It was the wrong color so they trade it out next week for a lighter brown but I am loving having one again in the mean time!

I am also loving my alone time and am actually rather protective of it now that it’s finally here. I am literally cleansing and purging all the stuff that doesn’t support the life I want so having the space and time to do that in right now is huge! Listening to my own inner guidance system is something else I’m working on as well as boundaries-the noise of the outside world is tricky to balance as you reconnect to it I’m finding.

Both families are adjusting quite well from the separation and we’ve maintained our own relationships-I actually think they are even better in the new spaces as we actually really connect when we see each other. The smallest stays with me every other weekend so we also took some time out to play at our favorite beach with the dog yesterday. We certainly made the best out of the last summer weekend! :heart:

Life is truly pretty great on this side of sobriety as I make the changes to build the life I want. Healing is a process and it takes time but I’m beyond thankful I started this journey. A year and a half ago I knew I needed to change my life and one day at a time I have. I am now absolutely loving where that leads! :heart:


Day 12 and just sat in a pub for the first time with pint of blackcurrant and lemonade, it was a small ptice to pay as I got to meet my daughter for first time in 10 years. It was nerve racking. Hoping to build a new relationship one step at a time. Seems my whole life is changing, I’m wondering what’s next.


Very well, thanks for asking :slight_smile: New flat is a home already. No garden


Congrats :confetti_ball: 1 year of sobriety, keep that counter going, odaat!

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Made it to double digits. Working on day 11 today. Why am I not so excited about this? Regardless of how I feel I won’t drink today even though there will be opportunity. Tell me it gets easier.


It’s been quite the journey thus far! The past few weeks I’ve felt a little crazy, tired, emotional and anxious more than ever. My brother talked to me about PAWS, so I’m delving Into understanding that a bit more. Gosh I’m proud of myself but for some reason I can’t feel it, my counselor says I don’t give myself enough credit and I’m too hard on myself, so that’s what I’m working on now as well :heart: Self Love :heart: Sober cheers my friends!


It does get easier, but you have to give yourself time so just keep at it! Keep busy and if you think of drinking tell yourself out loud why NOT to drink :blush: The reasons why not to are far more important than that drink :heart:

  1. @Dejavu amazeballs! Way to go. Happy Sunday everyone. It finally stopped raining up here!