* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Woke up and it’s day 15. Random thought Can anyone become a Councillor or start a little group to share experience or do you need shit loads of qualifications. I’m getting bored and want to do something to help in the community. Not so much like AA but life lessons about anything, I don’t pretend to know the answers to everyone’s problems but when you sit and listen and let people talk they often find their own answers.

  1. Day off. Coffee. Rested. It’s really nice I can go to bed and sleep after a late shift within an hour or so after getting home. When I was drinking I thought I had to unwind first and drink at least a bottle of wine first. Couldn’t get in bed till 2 or 3 am. Last night it was 12:15. So now I’m up and about and ready to do stuff. Love being clean and sober. Have a great day all! Sober and clean that is. Love from Amsterdam.

@SoberWalker Yes the day light lamp. Going to dig it up too. I do like autumn but I don’t like the lack of daylight, especially when getting up in the morning. So that’s a good time to use it for me.



Day 9 sober. Temptations started yesterday evening. I have to see them as turbulences and resist. To see my friends and gathering in the group almost everyday is helpful. The worst moments are in the night


The nails… I don’t cut his either. We have this silent war going on cause he thinks that our kitchen table is his lounge. Yesterday he left good scratches when I was removing him :laughing:


Well done on 9 days. I also felt pretty vulnerable around this time. Had to dig deep but I just accepted it for what it was, a healing process for the future not a craving from the past. Even if it becomes getting through a minute at a time and wanting to scream nothing is worth drinking for… Be strong Be You.


@SoberWalker same, same, same! I find myself stressing out about winter coming already even though we are currently in a heatwave where I live. You can smell fall in the air. I get so down in the winter. I’m intrigued by the sunlight lamp. I need to look that up. Hang in there. I’ve been trying to brainstorm on how to not let it be so impactful this year.


One day down, starting day 2. Silly me was really hoping to feel like a million bucks today. Ha! I have a very busy day ahead of me, and a project at work has me pretty stressed. I’ll get through it. It’s a lot of pressure for me as a business owner. Oh the days of just collecting a guaranteed paycheck.

Anyway, grateful to be sober today.


I cannot stress enough how much I love cats! They’re all little angels


Well done on making the decision to get sober. By day 2 I am usually still a bit hungover so the happy bit doesnt come for a while for me.
I’m self employed too and a few people on here are business owners so you’re among friends that know the stress. Good luck on your project and let us know how it goes!


Day 9 morning checking in. Managed to get to an online meeting yesterday despite spending 6 hours on trains.
Have a calm, serene day my sober fam.


Vitamin D tablets might help you I’m not sure if they actually do anything for me or just a placebo. Just a thought.

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Day 15 and I’m beginning to recognise the difference between boredom and cravings.


Congrats on day 7 gorgeous lady!! :blush::sparkling_heart:

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I served Nick Nolte before lunch at a bar where I worked 20+ years ago. The mugshots only hint at the wreckage.

Day 208
Lots of posts to catch up on this morning. That means I slept through the night.
Sounds like I’m talking about a baby when I say that. :baby:
Up for today, tackle Eve’s doggie toenails. She is not a fan of this procedure, but the new Dremel tool I got seems to be less traumatic, for us both.

Have a wickedly wonderful Wednesday!!


@Girlinterrupted congrats on not giving up!

Day 23. Just feelin’ better each day.


Wow! Yikes, I can only imagine.

@Rob68 thank you! I know I’m a huge disappointment to my kids and ex husbands, and my poor parents. I know I can do this. Have a great day :slight_smile:

Excellent plan! I’m the opposite in that I have no energy. My neighborhood is doing a garage sale next month & the idea of cleaning out closets and such overwhelms me. So I’m going to pass on this one this year. Best of luck!

Day 22! My body is telling me to have a lazy day so I’m going to listen :sleeping: