* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Day 2 sober. Baby steps. Tomorrow I will start a pilgrimage


Congratulations on 60 days! Way to go! That’s awesome! :tada:

Checking in.
Day: 58.

Feeling very pretty today despite excruciating pain in socket.

Thank goodness I see the dentist today and address the dry socket and find out what is going on with my numb chin and lip. Hopefully it’s nothing to serious. If it is, I will find out what my options are and deal with things as they come.

So thankful to be sober and addressing issues rather than running from them and drowning my fears and pain away.

Sending strength and support to those who need it today! :heart:


Sorry @goBlue24.

Didn’t mean to post my check-in as a reply to you.

This is my brain functioning under pain and going on one coffee.


Believe me, I know. I am not forgetting or overlooking how hellish active addiction/abuse was.
I plan on having an honest conversation w/ my primary care doc. He knows my history of abuse and addiction. I am going to suggest a non-stimulant option, but obviously willing to hear his perspective and suggestions, too.

Diet makes a big difference for sure, I agree. Nutrition is one of my biggest passions and I am very aware of what I eat. I began that interest when I first realized my problem with drinking, ~7 yrs ago or so. I had a lot of behavioral issues as a kid (while on a diet of poptarts and soda), and in my late teens/early 20s (height of my drinking), I was a bit of a loose cannon. Fixed my diet and began a strict exercise routine, and I’m like a totally different person. I’ll never go back.
It did help get my mind right and has helped keep me this way, and it did make the symptoms less severe, but they do persist nonetheless.


I can not imagine you eating poptarts!


Checking in at the end of day 65, working away again this week and already missing home.
However I’m sober, healthy and happy so all in all can’t complain.
Have a great day everyone :heart::heart::heart: y’all :tractor:


Missed the ultimate screen-shot by seconds! But my sobriety is strong and life is good. Stay strong friends.


Checking in for 8 days :v:
Rough day today.
Hopefully a cruisier tomorrow :crossed_fingers:
Hope everyone is ok and taking care of themselves :heart:


Today will be day 15.

Feeling tired, but much better than during my long weekend. It will be nice to focus on something other than myself.


92 days no alcohol or cigarettes. A new record for my husband and I :blush:. Night all :sparkles:


Less beer in the fridge this morning than their was last night. But I didn’t drink it. So that’s all kinds of cool.
That the hub is still drinking on his way to work is concerning, since he just got this job after being only randomly employed for the past 2 years, and drank his way out of 5 jobs in the 5 years before that.
Oh well.

Might try to see the quack about my knee again today.

Have a good one, morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you all are!


Fran I cannot tell you how many years as a kid my breakfast consisted of s’mores poptarts and a cup of hot chocolate. No joke. I grew up on a high-sugar, high-carb (bad carbs, mind you) diet consisting primarily of ultra-processed food.
Like I mentioned before, I had a ton of behavioral problems when I was a kid. I was aggressive, loud, unpredictable, and sometimes violent – even without provocation. When I got older, I learned to suppress some of these things but I was still very much unpredictable and volatile. I began drinking to “help” with this (spoiler alert, drinking makes it worse)!

As soon as I switched to consistently eating better (along with exercise), learning all I could about diet, and paying attention to what I eat – it was like a light switch. Night and day. This is why I am such an advocate for healthy eating as part of a sobriety plan, why I’m so passionate about nutrition in general – it is a big part of why I am still here.

Edit 8/10: tagging @planchette by request


It’s interesting to hear you say this, my son is autistic and has a lot of the behavioural and emotional issues you mention, particularly the excess ‘noise’ in his head. As a young child his diet was terrible, not my choice at all but dictated by the fact that if he didn’t eat chocolate spread, pizza and chips he didn’t eat full stop, he could go days refusing to even touch anything else. Years of trying and tiny baby steps means he actually has a very good diet now and his behaviour and meltdowns have improved tenfold. He is of course older and more mature but I wonder if his change in diet is also an underlying factor :thinking:


Awww so close. Epic number though Bill great work. :+1::+1:

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I’d say it’s a real possibility! I am not a doctor or medical professional, but I’ve seen, felt, and lived the difference that a proper diet makes. People tend to focus on the physical benefits of a good diet, but really the impact on mental and behavioral factors is equally pronounced. Glad to read that your son is improving! :blush:


Humm, thank you, I’m going to look into this more :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not surprised at all that, bet your felt amazing giving up all that sugar.

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Sassy rocks!! :slight_smile:
Day 5 and a half haha.

Feeling good today and seeing the rewards of sobriety already



I’ve totally lost the appetite for it, too! Its all too sweet for me now, to the point of being unappealing.

Except ice cream. I could still eat a gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Can’t keep it in the house :rofl:

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Day 10. Feeling happy. Waking up early and been super productive at work.