* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

So did they do something wrong or was it something that there was a possibility of happening, I hope they can sort it for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m checking in at day 140. 20 weeks. Yeah! Craving less this whole week. It’s probably because my DOC is completely out of my sight.

But put it under my nose, then i’ll go back at it in a heartbeat.


Nerve damage from the extraction itself?

Day 514.

As news emerges about my life changes, I’ve got lots of old friends reaching out this week wanting to catch up and get a drink. I keep responding with I don’t drink anymore so what else you wanna do? Lol. I have all these facets inside of me where I fit so many different kinds of social circles. All of those circles have included a variety of common interests, but one thing in common with them all was often alcohol. I’ve isolated myself a lot the last 4 years. It feels right now kind of like life got paused. I love my people but I hung back and was trying to mesh a life together with mine that never actually fit for two and a half years. Then, this last year and a half or so was spent on sobriety, how to heal myself and dismantle that life. It just makes me question so much, especially where my best friend just told me how much I had changed in this relationship. Which, it was good for me to try new things, be uncomfortable, break down barriers, grow and get sober. But, I still have so much work on me and my life to do, half of me doesn’t even want to socialize more yet. I want to put my pieces back together and heal but I do miss my people too. Tricky balance between the old and the new! I’m not worried about drinking but I am worried about where getting out more will lead. I can handle not drinking. What I am not sure of is boundaries, falling into old patterns or habits, losing myself again and not staying authentic in this new life that I am building for myself while I reconnect more to the old one. I would like to connect with my friends that have been put on the back burner for a while but I’m also not really feeling ready. I’m ready for change but I’m not ready to reintroduce myself yet because I’m not done finding the truest version of “me” yet. I know they will love me in the process still because I really have made some amazing friendships over my lifetime but navigating all of this is all feeling rather tricky at the moment.


There was a slight chance of complications from the extractions.
I wasnt to worried about it as Ive had quite a few teeth removed before.
Getting second opinion next week.
crosses fingers



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So take your time Mandi. Reading what you write seems to me you give the answer yourself. Feels like me you can share this thoughts with your friends too in one way or another. And I’d say you’re absolutely on the right road towards true recovery. It’s a long one. I think you’re doing great . Thanks for sharing and hugs.


How are you doing today m8🙂

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Thank you. :heart: Yes, I have mentioned how I feel to a few of them and have done well at saying no to all kinds of things so far so I’m sure I’m on the right track lol. I didnt expect the idea of socializing more bringing up all kinds of stuff as I’m a social butterfly but you’re right, recovery and healing is a process!

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Thanks for asking mate. Mixed bag today. Had a pretty good day at work. Been very up and down at home afterwards. Watched Ajax play in Greece but my heart wasn’t in it. Went through all 5 stages of grief and loss a couple of times tonight. Felt like getting wasted twice. Had mango and ice cream instead. Calm now. Just very tried. Tiring stuff this grieving.
Now I’m off for five days. Will travel to Germany for a three day festival Thursday. Going to be interesting as the only sober person there. There’s a first time for everything right. If I didn’t read some positive stories about visiting concerts and festivals sober I probably would not go. And I do feel slightly aprehensive about it.


Grief’s one of the hardest things we can go through I think.:frowning:
I understand your trepidation regarding the festival but you know what your doing. If you see a tricky situation is likely to arise then try to formulate a plan so it doesn’t cause you to have a stumble.
I hope you have an amazing time, you definitely deserve it pal :+1::slightly_smiling_face: And how nice will it be to remember all the music sets :slightly_smiling_face:


You rock!..keep up the good work!

Checking in again today.

Sorry all.

I’m pretty proud of myself. I got some rather discouraging news today and my instant thought wasnt ‘I need to drink’ proceeded by going to the liquor store then drinking my sorrows away.

I simply dealt with the situation, as best I could, journaled, called my Gram (who is my best friend), came on here then went for a short nap.

Just finished dinner and going to play some board games with my son then do some reading (which I havent done in forever).

Thank you for listening all. It means so much. :heart:


So proud of you Amanda! So happy you have your Gram for support. :heart:


Anyone know how to change this to display in days only? I’m using an Android phone, and can’t find where to change it.


Use the edit button below your counter. There is a box for how you want your counter to work.

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Thank you kind sir!!!


Pleasure old boy!

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Day 218

Typically once a year wife and kids are at my in-laws for a week or so. In the past this used to be my week where i can start drinking right after work until passing out. They left today but i will go to bed sober. This is great. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Stay strong and sober