* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Great to see you buddy. Time to get the music turned up to 11.


Will do tomorrow. Having a party then :joy:

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I can’t control this world I live in, but I keep trying. I really think I’ve killed some good brain cells and it always shows more when I drink. Anyway…I come, I go…hi ho…ho hum…I need a good kick in me bum. Another day in the books to an earlier reset.


Checking In - Nothing to report :slight_smile: Its been a lazy day.


Day 275. Nothin’ much to say. Smooth going here. Which is pretty dang precious, despite my boring characterization of it. :smile: I’ve worked hard for this, and I’m going to continue doing so.


Y’know what, I’ll join in celebrating the uneventful.

Day 375. Quiet day inside and out, definitely thanks to sober life. Gonna go meditate and make a pizza. :pizza: :v:


9 days without acting out. (166 days pot free at least those numbers look a little better)

I’ve called in to 5 meetings since my relapse. I was off grid for 3 of those days. I am hitting it hard. I even bought the big green book. The whole thing feels kinda ominous after tonight’s meeting. But I’m chalking that up to the disappointment I’m feeling for waiting to address the problem until after I acted out. I saw it, and my response wasn’t enough.

I don’t really know how to approach sponsorship. Like when am I ready? How do I ask for sponsorship from a person I’ve never met? It just doesn’t sit right (Super rural, no ftf meetings within 2.5 hrs of me) I feel like I’d like to have a sponsor I could have coffee with now and then. Hoping that if I put this out into the universe maybe my needs will be met.


If online/call-in sponsorship is anything like ftf sponsorship, my suggestion is don’t overthink it though there’s other schools of thought.

You’re ready when you’re ready, man. Ya just find someone who has what you want and did the deal, ask if they’ll show ya how they did it, and see where it goes from there.

We only need enough courage to get the words out…


Day 16. Every day a brand new decision of having a sober day. Meanwhile I see it as a gift giving to myself. Best anti aging guys :rofl:


Checking in.
Day: 59.

As I gaze around my cozy apartment, I am reminded of years ago and being in a desolate state, feeling I couldn’t possibly raise my son on my own and never being able to make my places feel like homes.

Now, 4 years later, I am in fact raising my son on my own (who is happy and healthy), as well as my apartment is my sanctuary and completely decorated to my liking along with my personality. And I did all this by myself.

I am grateful to be sober and able to enjoy and recognize the blessings in my life.

One day at a time.


Boom , I am proud of myself for 37 days of clean time!


Day 324 :coffee:
Had someone for dinner yesterday wich I know for a few years because she’s playing in the same band I’m in. It’s developing in a new friend. It’s been ages ago since I could add someone new to my “friends list”. For me it looks like the older I get, the harder it is?
Got a nice compliment with app from her this morning that made me smile. She made my day allready!!


Day 61. Had my first drinking dream since I quit. Was at a party or gathering together with my sister who brought some withered flowers (?) Open bottles of wine and spirits everywhere. Without thinking I gulped down a full glass of red wine. Bolted and thought I have to reset. Thinking I’m not going to reset, no one knows. Woke up after that. Not sure what to make of it but i don’t think there is a need to explain my dreams to the full. Drinking and not drinking takes a big place in my mind and heart still. Only logical there’s some dreaming about it too. Happy I’m sober in the waking world. Have a good sober day all.


hey all you lovely people , so awesome to find so many fantastic people on here …so I only found this app a few days ago …but this me checking in all the way from sunny southend in the uk …9 months and 4 days :grin:Screenshot_20190807-075919_Sober%20Time|236x500


Day 8. The first week is over. Feeling very down today. The urge to drink is strong. Need to resist the temptation.


Day 76. Went for some blood tests yesterday as I have been completely exhausted for a good month now. Not just exhausted but muscle and joint aches too. Really feel weak physically.


Remember mate whilst it’s more tempting to drink when we feel shit, we feel even worse afterwards. Drinking never made any problems go away.


Do you take b vitamins?

Still here guys just focus on this course assignment. 15 days & striving!


Checking in Day 6/7! I couldnt wait to get onto here and check in …my phones broken n i have to go on my ;laptop. Today is going to be a battle for my willpower as I have the last club night of the night i run in my hometown. I want to go and say goodbye to it and not drink. We shall see. I know im not going to say i wont or i will, im going to be open and trust in my self will and true desires ( not to drink) . I want to be able to come here still on track.

Hope everyone has an easier day.