* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Good for you! So happy to hear this. I think it is a very good step. :tulip::kissing_heart:

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Checking in day 153.


Day 233. I used to dread the mornings. They were always filled with regret, shame, fear. It was a time for me to face what I had done the night before, not to anyone else just to myself, my body, my spirit. Each morning to me now is such a gift. I love the feeling of waking each day awash with confidence and pride knowing I am on track, in control, healthy. Sobriety has brought me back to life. :tulip:


Day 3 :slight_smile: couldn’t really sleep last night but both my babies woke up as well so I was in good company :heart_eyes: They truly make things better. I’m a little sleepy :sleeping: but hopefully a hot cup of coffee :coffee: will set me straight, if not I may have to nap with the baby later :wink: Have a wonderful sober day all!!!


Day 33. The days are just stacking up and I’m pretty confident I’ll make it through this day sober. Now to get out of this bed to get ready for work!!!


I admire your positivity :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rose: Amazing 233 days!


Thank you! :tulip: Every day gets a bit easier for me.


You too, Charlie.
Our hurricane supplies are dismal. 2 candles, 4 mini propane tanks and maybe 2 cans of beans.
I guess I know what we’ll be joining the crowds for later. :crazy_face:


Day 30 comes to an end. Enjoying a couple of AF beers to celebrate. I feel a wee bit high :joy:


I love you. You’re so bright and shiny :sunny::sunflower::sun_with_face:


I love you too Joanie. You make me laugh. :tulip::kissing_heart:


Good morning fantastic friends,
This week has taught me some good stuff and this morning I’m feeling pretty at-ease.
Everything’s been really scary lately, and so, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I get this wave of panic and a pit in my stomach. I have stressful dreams and they carry over into my day.
Everyday this week, I got up, got ready and got after it. I went to work and made a point to treat every person with patience and compassion, to be a source of light and laughter and I allowed myself to be a little broken. Most importantly, everyday, I did something scary, relating to my court case situation. I have a laundry list of things I need to do before I go into court and I’ve been chipping away at it. This includes talking to my boss about missing work, asking others for character reference letters, compiling work history documents and coordinating a bail bondsman

My point:
Everyday started out with dread, terror and trauma. Everyday has led me into some pretty gut wrenching tasks and each and every day, good things have happened as a result. Every single shitty thing I’ve had to deal with this week has turned into a positive experience. Then, on top of that, I’ve had a number of really uplifting high points here on TS. You guys are just the best.

All of this, is because I am sober.
Every good thing in my life, I have because I’m sober. Every shitty thing in my life is made manageable because I am sober. So guess what, today, I’m going to stay sober.


I love reading your posts sir :blush::+1:

You’re doing me the favor. :wink:

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Stay safe. :kissing_heart:

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I’m not going to lie or sugar coat this. Today is a hard one. Woke up, my ex was already on my ass about our son’s school schedule - he’s 9. Got to work, realized I fucked up a deposit - luckily in our favor as we got credited for it. Still. Had to go through deposits and figured out the girl that’s been here 3 months (I’ve been here 4 years) is getting paid more than me. Substantially. So what do I want to do? Go home. Cry. Grab a bottle of wine and do nothing. What will I do? Go to the gym. Go home. Cry. One day at a time. I won’t let shit days and people ruin my progress. It is hard. Every day it is. But what’s even shittier is how I’ll feel if I let my progress go. Anyway. Rant and vent over.


Day 183. It’s really cool when you are able to look at old pictures of you and not only see huge gains with yourself but your partner too. Kyle stopped drinking alcohol or at least cut down to almost drinking none when I got sick and went to detox. Here’s a picture of us 4 days before I went away and 5 1/2 months sober. When you and your significant can grow together with your sobriety, it’s the best feeling :+1:t3::ok_hand:t3:


Checking in on day 71, hopeful today is the day I find out about my next career, if not likely tomorrow!


Checking in on Day 37. Been getting back to lifting heavy again. Worked up to 255 last night, which is 10 pounds shy of my 1RM. Hoping to hit 300+ by the end of Fall! Quick 9 second video of said lift, as I’m stoked to be getting the weight back up there:

Have a strong day!!!

220 days sober and going on vacation tomoro for a week having a Chinese for tea and excited yay me