Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

Day 33, Its crazy how in tune with my body I am now. I drank a coffee yesterday at 3pm and couldnt sleep last night. Flash back to my addict days I was taking stimulants anytime just to function.
Anyway I am still here in Utah at 11,000ft elevation doing my training. And by training I mean yoga video each morning and pushing a stroller up a huge driveway. :joy: I did do a hike yesterday and had to carry my kid a mile back because she didnt want to walk.
The air is so clean here and the water too. I am on day 12 drinking 1 gallon of water a day. (I dont usually make it quite to a gallon but I get pretty close) The best benefit so far is that I know for a fact that I am not dehydrated…lol I feel like I was dehydrated for 5 years straight. And I feel a little lighter and in shape but I havent weighed myself. Anyway, great numbers everyone. Keep up the good work!

@Becsta Dont forget to take care of yourself! I feel overwhelmed sometimes with just 1 kid, I cant imagine 4. You are doing a great job and are an amazing mother!! I try to wake up super early so I can have time to myself. Its the best part of my day! I make coffee and put on a yoga video or just relaxing music and lay on my mat before all hell breaks loose. Dont forget to breathe and remember that, this too shall pass. :purple_heart: We are all here for you!! :purple_heart:


Get used to it buddy. It’s gonna cross your mind for a while.
Well done


Checking in after my walk.
Does anyone else see the serpent on my trail?
Today I faced him and took his pic. :pray:


Me :thinking: trying to figure out if that is more or less than 2 years. Congratulations on a lot of days. You rock

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It is so great to be in tuned with your body after you get all the toxins out. I don’t miss my coffee anymore. But after my morning 1 cup, that’s it for me. Now I stick with the herbal teas. And the endorphins produced naturally after working out or my power walk, and/or even meditating are so rewarding.


Day 16. Super tired but content. Spending time with friends and family.

My mom’s sausage sends everyone her love :dog: :orange_heart:


Day 968
I mentioned in the past that I play Secondlife from time to time. It’s like a kind of Sims game, only cooler :yum:
Well today I had an idea. Why not use SL for founding a place to meet and chat for sober folks? Weeks ago I was looking for such a community and it doesn’t exist (yet) :smirk::slightly_smiling_face:
Also changed my name there to Kintsugi.
I love my golden scars :facepunch:t2:
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:


I would LOVE to get to that point someday!! Good for you :raised_hands::raised_hands: I tried giving up coffee a few weeks ago and that lasted only one day. Do you have more energy after giving it up?? I wonder it the endorphins are more powerful without the caffiene.



I got this heart arrhythmia about 5 or 7 years ago. It might not have been from the coffee. But still. I was drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee. They fixed the heart thing and now I just enjoy one fresh brewed whole bean cup a morning. More energy?? Don’t know. But an Apple gives me more energy that a coffee or sugar buzz. Ya I say I got more energy when I need it.


OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!? How RAD ARE YOU???!!!??? That’s amazing Brooke holy crap! What are you like 150 years old??? Wow good job is an understatement for sure :sunglasses::metal:t2:


On the 10th day, each renunciation made me start over from the same point. I learned something every time … stood up again. I feel peaceful and confident. I know I’ll get better with each passing day. It’s nice to be with you on this journey

  1. Tomorrow we go to see the doctors and specialists to get her treatment options. Tonight, i am trying to make a special night. Trying to keep my mind in One Day at a time mode, but I find myself contemplating tomorrow and beyond.

Don’t beat yourself up too much… leave that to people who are pros at it (like me !! :rofl:)
But we have all been there. Still, the important thing is to take stock, get up and start over.
Remember that going without alcohol isn’t DEPRIVING yourself of anything, but rather FREEING yourself from the talons of an industry that has spread misery and destruction for centuries.
You can do it, we all can.


Good night all, time to head to bed.
I’m about 20 minutes away from 14 days, so tomorrow night, I’ll hit my first fortnight sober in God knows how long. I’m quite pleased about it, to be honest.
I’m usually pretty far along the self-hatred spectrum, but I have to admit that I’m feeling pleased with myself tonight.
I’ll be happy once I hit my fortnight tomorrow night… and my aim will be firmly planted on “one month”.
Goodnight everyone… stay sober and be happy.


but I have to admit that I’m feeling pleased with myself tonight.

You should absolutely be pleased! That’s a great accomplishment! Well done!

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I saw a velociraptor from Jurassic Park :rofl:




I got to 60! It has been a rough couple of months, but I prioritized sobriety and made it through :grin:


One month is awesome! You’re doing amazing. Keep it up!