Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

Day 1 sober. Numb and upset but this is not what really matters. I must learn again why I did what I did


It’s Statuary morning… Made it thru Friday night without drinking. It’s official! Day one - check.

Saturday is always the hardest but I’m in the right state of mind so I’m ready to do this :heart:

Here’s to all of us about to make it thru day 2. Let’s freaking DO THIS!!!


you’ve just wrote the story of my life, back on day 3 today and I’m already not sure how to stay sober after work today. When you want sobriety this shit is soo easy but if any part of you still wants to do your drug of choice then this is horrible. Feel like I just want to cry bc I’ve gone from so strong to being weak and hopeless. Keep fighting the fight my friend, apparently it gets easier. :thinking:


struggling myself today, it’s a shit storm waiting to happen so hi mate and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Don’t think about tonight mate. Stay in the now. Just keep doing the next right thing.


Flip that self fulfilling prophecy 180°


The wood floor is beautiful!

93.35 days. Had a rough week emotionally. I’ve been tense and on edge. I had a good therapy appointment yesterday, so trying not to be so hard on myself. Working through the death of my friend has been difficult for many reasons. I’ve been extremely fatigued and nauseous, so not sure wtf that’s about. I was taking high dose melatonin, so stopped that Thursday night. Hopefully that’s the culprit. Grateful to be sober, so very grateful.


Ahhh Paul call me after work if you fancy a chat I’m here for you xx

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Day 80 and I’m thinking of sinking into oblivion. God is love and love is god. I’m seeking that love, I’ve created what I think is love in my relationships. I wait for the transformation, but I don’t feel it or see it. What I have done for the last 80 days of sobriety has been on my strength alone. Yet, that is not enough to keep me sober. Where is this higher power? I look at nature, I look within, I look at other people, I look in the universe and I have only seen this immutable and immovable quiet presence that surrounds me. Nothing touches the core of my being to give me the feeling of being alive.


Wow @Mno that IS satisfying!! Your kitchen is turning out sooo great!! You are really doing a killer job. Cant wait to see after photos. Have a great day!

Day 36. I read that happiness is what you feel when you have no other desires in that particular moment.
Ive been very happy these last few days! My fiance came up to Utah finally and today we are going fishing. He is on a 2 week break from school. Also, we have become good friends with the people upstairs and the grandparents came back up too! I am definitely not lonely anymore. A great reminder that everything is temporary. Happy sober day!


Day 13 (lucky number on a Saturday!):
Beautiful morning, feeling at peace. Sitting on my deck with a mug of tea and my best buds beside me, the sicky pup looking bright eyed this morning, I’m so grateful. Hubby drank quite a bit of homebrew last night so he is having a slow morning. I’m loving the quiet early mornings SOBER with time for reflection and setting of intentions for the day. But also to just be in the moment, with some calm before the neighborhood wakes up and the inevitable power tools and lawnmowers and damn leaf blowers get going. I swear, someday we will make it to a peaceful spot with some privacy. I might check in later seeing as my guy is going off to meet some potential band mates tonight, outdoors at this guy’s cabin with room for safe distancing and hopefully fun jams for my drummer man. I know it makes him happy, but I’ll be rocking my own Saturday night solo. Peace.


Day 5 checking in. Feels good to wake up with a clear head on a Saturday morning, especially since I work. So many days I’ve rushed around hung over to get to work on time…
Anyways, fresh start. Rainy Saturday where I am, but I’m looking forward to spending time watching movies with the kids, maybe organizing a bit. Maybe get to some of my hobbies. Hit the treadmill, read my book. Feels good. Have a wonderful sober weekend everyone!



I reckon the 7 slipped in to remind you/us of both the devil AND the seven deadly sins :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Awesome numbers @anon12657779 :heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

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Day 403. Nothing much going on, standard weekend: groceries, yard and house work. Taking a family photo with my lady and the kiddo today, so this is a first for me. Kinda stoked.

Have a strong day!!!


Still @ 330+ days i guess … did have some extra medication applied to keep myself from tumbling.
I will keep you posted Menno. Eventhough, we almost did, but helaas speculaas never met… your a big support!
I will be among ts Friends abroad, a thread will folllow i guess/know.
Imma going outta my depressed state now when im in the West instead of the north… big relieve.
Still points out i have to move to another place to live. But first things first


Had to ask bruv, hows life there ? Big s.o. and bless

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Woo hoo! Congrats on 60 days @M-be-free49.
I’ve been following your journey and I have to say, you’re handling your mom’s situation (complicated by siblings) really well. You’re one strong lady.