Checking in daily to maintain focus #19

Yup, can’t wait. I really loved the test drive… though I was kind of sold on it even BEFORE trying it.
The Hyundai electric Kona is pretty nice too, but I prefer the VW.


I really like the way it looks, what colour will it be?

Amen to that !

Mostly grey… I’m not into white or orange cars !

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Day 777 alcohol free. Happy tuesday.


Thank you for that, I’ll see if I can get hold of some :slight_smile:

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Still here guys. I’ve been very busy lately. Working hard to make my life better. I feel very confident. Fear and anxiety are my best friends now. I know how to use that energy for good. Keep up everybody!!


Congratulations @Dejavu on 2 years and @Nordique on 100 days.



oh man!!! Not because it’s day one but because you didn’t reset in the past. We have to be honest my friend, some people lose absolutely everything but if you can’t be honest with yourself you’ll never succeed. I know exactly who and what I am… I may kid myself on a daily basis and actually believe I will quit forever but that’s not being dishonest bc I truly believe it at the time but one sip and its a reset and refocus and restart the whole goddam process.


@Dejavu Congratulations! This is really great. You have been one of the people i have been looking up to when i joined. Thanks

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Day 3 check in. I’ve told a few people I’m not drinking anymore and it was met with mixed responses. Quite a few weren’t very supportive or were met with the you don’t have a problem narrative. Which is making me second guess myself, I’m not gonna lie. But I do t think I have to be falling down drunk every day for it to be a problem. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe turning to all this was dramatic and I should just not… I don’t know. I’ve tried not to make a big deal
Out of quitting. When offered a beer or glass of wine I’ve just said no thanks. And then when questioned further I said I’m taking a break. Hope fully a permanent one. And was met with responses that varied from “oh. Ok cool” to “why are you so black and white about everything” and the every popular “why do you have to be so damn dramatic about everything” I don’t want to drink. That’s all I know. And I know it’s the whole bottle or nothing when I do drink so even if that’s only once a month I feel like that’s not ok cause it makes me feel ashamed and depressed.

On an up note: I spent some time outside today and went on a walk to try to ease my insane anxiety instead of having a glass of wine which is what I really want.


I also had friends and coworkers tell me that they didn’t think I had a problem with drinking when I first decided I wanted to get sober, years ago. Some implied I was being too hard on myself or overreacting. At least, that was my interpretation. I drank with them, but they also didn’t know the extent of my drinking when I was alone.

It doesn’t matter if others think we have a problem. It doesn’t even really matter how bad our problem with drinking is. If you don’t want to drink anymore and you know it’s an issue for you… That’s all that’s matters.

Keep on keeping on, and I look forward to watching you progress.


Thank you. I appreciate knowing someone else had similar input from friends. And thanks for the support.

  1. Tomorrow when I wake up it will be 2 and a half years sober. Celebrating with a beard trim then a picnic with my love. The first 90 days were fucking rough. I never caved, I did what I needed to do to beat every urge and craving. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be where I am at today.

If you are struggling, keep fighting and stay sober…it gets better.

If you seem to be constantly relapsing…STOP IT, you deserve better. Do what you have to do to stay sober. If I were not sober, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to spend forever with the most precious person in my life. I wouldn’t have been in a position to love her as she deserves, and I wouldn’t be in the position to be loved by her.

Say “no” to the first drink every time, and life will get better.


You helped me so much through all of my many, many [sigh], many false starts at the beginning. You were so kind and supportive. Thank you :pray:
It’s awesome to see where you are now too :+1::heart_eyes:


So kind of you to say. Its what we are here for, we are family…and we support each other


There’s a song about that. :joy:

All together now …


Just amazing Scott. Congratulations :tada: So happy for you! :blush:

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I have literally never dreamt so much in my life!!! And they are crazy and weird!


Checking in again day 15. I haven’t had many cravings the last two weeks but boy did I want some vodka on the way home from work today. That used to be my routine. I’d stop at the liquor store on the way home every day or every other day and get shooters and some beer or hard seltzer’s. I’d almost always end up blacking out within a few hours because I’d pound the vodka without eating anything. Then keep drinking the rest of whatever I got. I’d always wake up groggy and feeling sick. Lately I haven’t been bringing money with me to work so I don’t have anything to pay with on the way home. I’m glad I’m writing this because it’s a reminder as to why I quit. I want mental clarity. I want to be top of my game at work. I want better sleep.

Whew. Thanks for listening. I can go to bed sober another night.