Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Thank you.
Glad you’re still alive and sober down there. What’s that, like, you’re third hurricane? It’s hard to know since politics and Rona seem to have taken over :100: of the news. I feel like I get more news on here with y’all. Glad you’re safe. I hope your friends and loved ones are too.
Take care.
Hopefully that will be the last one.

48 days.

I’ve been wide awake since 1am. Inwas so anxious about the phone call to the vets this morning that I couldn’t get back to sleep. On that matter, I remembered I’ve recently finished repaying an advance I had a year ago from benefits, so I applied for another one today and got accepted, so I didn’t have to ask the vets for a payment plan after all, I just have to pay it back in much smaller monthly installments than I was going to propose with the vets. Prince is now booked in for his dental surgery on Tuesday, cue my anxiety :hot_face::grimacing:

I’m finding myself looking for something to do at various times throughout the day. I have books and audiobooks, and my walks, and now the trauma related conference stuff that I’m watching after my morning walks. 3 days a week I have 2hrs of therapy type stuff, so those days I’m more adequately occupied.

I heard the addict voice trying to whisper in my ear today, for the first time in weeks. As soon as I become aware of it though, I can’t think of anything worse than using. I was in a perpetual state of panic and fear, and I remember thinking the drug and drinks cured that, but they didn’t, they were causing it! I can’t believe I was so deluded for so long, but getting angry at myself about it won’t do me any favours or rewind time.

It’s getting harder to motivate myself for the walks, especially when it’s raining and I’m in pain, but once I’ve done them, I never regret them, so I focus on that feeling of.accomplishment whilst I’m getting dressed and putting my trainers on, then it’s just a case of putting one foot in front of the other, a step at a time.

I’ve decided on an audiobook called ‘The Body Keeps The Score’. It’'s about the effects of trauma. Interesting so far.

Strength and Love to you all :revolving_hearts::muscle:t2::blue_heart:


I been feeling the same way about people acting like shit and no one seems to care. Seems to be the way lately. Can’t control other people.
Speaking is always a stressor. For what it’s worth I always love what you have to say on here. I respect your opinions and always look forward to hearing about what you’ve conquered in life. And I’m not just saying that.
You can do it.
And you will.
And you’ll be awesome.


Sorry about your shit nights sleep. But so happy you got Prince scheduled and all figured out. That’s got to be a great stressor off your plate. Glad you’re fighting the good fight with the urges. Great job on your 48 days.

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Praying for you Salty. That sounds a bit serious. I hope you get some good results from this.

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This is the fifth one to hit Louisiana this year. We are definitely ready for hurricane season to be done! Thank you for the positivity. We can all use as much of that as possible right now.


Ah it happens when I’m anxious about things, I got 5hrs from 8pm-1am so haven’t felt too tired and can’t complain. Just had more time to fill and I think that’s why addict voice showed itself. Honestly yes, I’m so relieved, prayers were certainly answered :raised_hands:t2: Just looking forward to having him home Tuesday evening so I know he can heal and get back to his playful happy self again :pray:t2: The hard part is starving them the night and morning before I take him to the vets, makes me feel like an awful person, but I know it’s for the right reasons and soon enough he’ll be home munching away. Congrats again on your 300, so pleased to hear that funk has lifted :blush:

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You will never be any more or any less than you are. Mankind has invented many labels that we can wear if we choose to and unfortunately you seem to have picked all the bad ones for yourself. The only reason you feel anger, hate, fear, prejudice, pride and jealousy is bc of the selfishness. They all stem from this, work on this one defect of character and all will become manageable.

Love you too boo! You make me smile :heart::paw_prints:


have a good recovery! :heart:

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Sending love and strength your way. Hate to hear you’re feeling this way. Hopefully by now at least the speaking part is in the rear view window. You are more than enough and anyone that doesn’t realize that is not worth your energy.


You are soooo (good) enough.
Just as you are, the whole package.
and maybe… the defects were once a wall to keep you safe. they will come down now the do not need to serve you anymore.
you do the work, you do the service. you give it all.
Maybe tell that to the little boy. Good enough! perfect even when letting the guards down and show all


First and last time so far since covid in the cinemas. Watching dark waters. Spooky, only 3 people here…

I wish you all a nice evening or day :slightly_smiling_face:

I really like this color.


That tree is really showing off. Beautiful pic.

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I don’t know if you see me as one of those people, but no hate here. I do not hate you in the least bit. I may have disliked some of your actions, but not you as a person. You’re a good guy and sometimes make what I think is a mistake, but that’s what we’re human for. Sorry for the late reply btw, I’m very inactive and enjoying the lack of stress


Are there any guidance type counselors you could speak too? I spent some good time and money on a bachelor’s degree and after working in the field less than 10 years walked away and never looked back. Only you can know where you want your career path to take you. I know it’s not easy, but stay strong and true to yourself.

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21 days, I am checking the times I have cravings, a couple of days ago I had 8 during the whole day. Today I got the first one at 7:40 pm, I am happy. Whenever I get the voice telling me “drink! Look for your glass of wine” I count it. As if counting helped me keeping it detached, a number. It is helping.
I am collecting sober days and I don’t get suicidal thoughts, not real ones, just they were there in the back of my mind…
I am grateful to myself. I am glad.


I get that T; but you really do help others… I know you do here and I’m sure that you do even more in person.


Well done mate your words save lives.

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Hey you! It’s good to see you back on track! Day 3 is awesome. And meetings are the best way to stay sober. Even if your day was shit. It can’t be as shitty as when you’d have a drink… So it’s all good. And tomorrow will be even better :hibiscus:

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