Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Checking in on Day 15! Been a relaxing Saturday. Today I felt appreciative to have a day of rest with no alcohol in the mix. I am also really enjoying taking on some new cooking and baking projects to keep myself occupied as I continue to work on sobriety :yum:


Well done and congratulations!! :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:

I’m so sorry you’re feeling so much sadness. :pensive: It’s okay to be sad, to feel like you need a break and even do nothing while dealing with those feelings. I pray time heals your pain when you’re ready to process those emotions. :green_heart:


Thank you, Joy. You’re amazing with your consistency. I appreciate you. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with the anniversary of your moms passing and my heart goes out to your best friend. I know a great man is out there just waiting to be found by you. Feel the feelings. Keep healing with a sober mind and well done on kicking alcohol and cigarettes ass day by day! So proud of you!


I kniw that feeling. The hardest part of getting through each day is feeling emotions that you’ve spent a lifetime running from or numbing. I’m feeling so many negative things that are overwhelming. I hope you find some comfort and peace today.



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011500f6a0251b33572fb452e85f91051057ca1eb85bc46ebfae909be9ef836f.0 feel better :heart:

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Mine is the same. He doesn’t understand the occasional uncontrollable crying or the constant state of fear i live in. He really doesn’t understand my self loathing but he’s always there with a hug and words of reassurance that help hold back some of the darkest feelings. I doubt I’d still be here without him. I’m glad I saw your post and it made me remember how grateful I am. I’m not good at letting people in or sharing how I feel but the support here and lack of judgement is slowly helping me to open up. Thank you.


Your feelungs are valid and you should never apologise for letting them out. I feel this way too but mostly nobody knows as I keep them bottled up which means on top of everything i feel very alone. Keep sharing. Today you helped me feel less alone and I am grateful for it. Thank you.


Just wanted to thank everyone here. I woke at 3am terrified and full of anxiety but reading these posts and talking has really helped get me through to a point where I am going to try get back to sleep. :heart:


Another day sober in the books.


That’s a lot of bad stuff in a very short timespan dear Joy. Glad you’re staying sober and smober through it all. Hoping for better times for you. Lots of love, positive vibes and big hugs your way friend.


@liv_m Thanks for sharing Mel. The good times and the bad. We’re here together and we’re here together sober. Love and hugs friend.

  1. Happy I got out and had my bike ride to the farm yesterday. Only got a little bit wet. I’ve been out of physical exercise a bit since I got into painting my place. So much to do so little time. It’s funny how, once I quit wasting my life away drinking and using, and gaining loads of time, I seem to have less time left to do the stuff I want. Life is so much better sober and clean. Have a good Sunday all. Clean and sober. Love from yesterday’s foggy bike ride.

    @bluejai Huge congrats on a full year of freedom from addiction Jen!

Well done on 100 and well done on seeing the bigger picture. You might be all humble but I can be excited for you :tada::fireworks::sparkler::balloon::sparkles::metal:


Day 73.
Survived my dental procedure yesterday morning. We opted fo hold off on the risky wisdom tooth that is fused to jaw and pushing down on nerve. Not causing any major issues but the risk is there to take it out, risk to leave if it becomes problematic. So we opted to leave it. It’s not erupted but peeking out a touch. Fingers crossed it causes no problems. I relaxed more when I knew that wasn’t being done. Had the other wisdoms pulled. Feeling more sore & puffy today than yesterday as a expected, slight fever, but overall ok. Up since 3am so try to rest today if the tiny human allows :joy: Lots of screen time for him and cold drinks for me. Alcohol-free of course :laughing:
Have a great Sunday, all :anchor:


Big congrats on reaching triple digits Tom! And quite the ramble my friend. You do it your way. Like we all do. While still doing it together. Well done and keep going.


This is the 90th morning that I choose sobriety in a row.

So far I’ve made it to every night also.


149.15 Days

