Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Rolled over to 20 down (my counter is weird since i started it at 5pm - maybe i should change it to later at night?)

Made some pumpkin pie, spicy sweet cashew /almonds (I’m trying to mimic a recipe i got at a pie festival) wrapped our presents & even made some overnight oats for tomorrow… That’s way more then i would have done for myself a few weeks ago :raised_hands:


Thank you @Misokatsu!

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Thank you, Rosa. Your positivity is a huge inspiration for me!

Day 304~ TEN MONTHS today!! :tada: I’ve been super busy lately and haven’t done a check in for a few days. I dunno sometimes I feel like all I do is complain and I don’t wanna be negative. Things are going good with my sobriety. Physically I feel good but emotionally l’m still having lots of ups and downs. My mother in law is on my last frigan nerve. We just need to move and call it a day. There’s a lot of layers to it but basically she has a big mouth and doesn’t know when to keep it shut. I’m still working on boundaries it’s so damn hard for me. I have to do it though because I always end up hurt and feeling used and like shit. It’s just so hard for me to let go of things/ people.

Everyone keep fighting and pushing on. Being sober is not for the weak. It takes hard work and dedication but in the end it’s so worth it. Keep trying.



Sunday night check in! 16 days with no alcohol :blush:

Today I was thinking about how yoga and exercise have been a great support in staying sober. It makes my body feel alive and helps me to maintain a mind-body connection. My love of fitness and yoga started a few years ago, and it is even stronger when I’m not drinking. I used to do classes in person but now everything is at home. My favorite YouTube channels are Yoga with Adrienne (I just did her 30 day yoga journey called Home) and Chloe Ting for fitness. I am doing her two-week summer shred challenge and it is kicking my ass, in a good way, haha. I love feeling my body get stronger. I know alcohol would only tire it out. And the way I feel after a workout is so much better than after a drink!

My advice to anyone beginning an exercise routine is to start slow so your body can adjust. It’s really easy to get excited and then go too hard…and then not be able to excercise while you recover. And do the low-impact or modifications as needed. I’ve found that slow and steady progress has worked much better than when I try to go full force and am not ready for it.

Any fitness people out there? Recommendations for stuff to do at home? I always love trying new things!


Congratulations Courtney way to go!!!

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Great job on making it 10 months :100: I’ve seen your journey and you came a long way and I see you are not stopping for no one… even mother in laws :rofl:


How are you feeling today??

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I’m so proud of you!! You’re a beautiful person and don’t let anyone take away your shine!


today I am starting new meds. I am reluctant to go back on meds. I’ve been off them for many many months now. I feel fine. But because I’ve relapsed twice the past month or so, my doctor suggested that we give these ago to keep me balanced. I dont feel I need them. Im liking being completely organic inside so to speak. The only negative thing I consume now is sugar. I know thats an addiction in itself I need to kick to the curb slowly but surely. The reason I’m reluctant to go back on meds is coz I feel like they intrupt my connection to the universe, to source, to all that is. What I mean is when I meditate, and I meditate often, I’m concerned its affecting my connection when I’m meditating. Those who meditate deeply will understand what I mean, those who are not meditators, please sit for 5 minutes this week and close your eyes and breathe deeply for 5 minutes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… So I will do a weeks experiment, try the meds, see if it affects my over all being, and decide from there. Maybe I’ll try a few weeks coz I know it takes a while for new meds to work etc… Oh also, our summer is definetly here… This week is epic weather! Warmth and sunshine all week long… Its 33 degrees today woooo hoooo… Happy Monday friends :pray:


Monday :crazy_face: what! It’s still Sunday afternoon here… I personally can’t sit still and meditate I don’t know why so my type of meditation is surfing… good luck with your meds and in my early recovery I was on a few meds and it kinda helps as I got more time under my belt I just stop taking them cause I also felt disconnected from everything…


Thank you guys!! @Rockstar24777 @Kaeo @anon79808082 :yellow_heart:


Surfing is definetly a form of meditation! I know myself that when I’m out in the ocean , when i swim out far and im just floating early in the morning at sunrise and your mind is just clear and calm, that is definetly a form of meditation. And you get a few bonuses with surfing, you get a work, you get a shower with the ocean washing you, you get to see dolphins, and you get to connect with the ocean… So all round bonuses I say :call_me_hand::ocean::sun_with_face:


I was feeling a bit clouded myself about two weeks ago… It just would not pass. A circumstance effected me and my mind kept playing scenarios over and over. It did my head in… It eventually went away after I subconsciously sent the negative energy thoughts of love and forgiveness. For a few nights as I laid in bed and could not sleep I just keep visualising white light surrounding me like a protection energy field , and out of that I visualised white light being beamed off out to the negative thing… I think it seemed to work, because the horrible feeling went away and the anxiety and thoughts I was having have not crossed my mind since…


Congrats Courtney. Killing it

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Congratulations on 10 months Courtney!!
Keep checking in even when you feel it’s negative. Just getting it out can help mentally.

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22 days in the books. Quarantine officially over as I got my negative covid test back tonight. Back to the gym tomorrow. Saw lots of Christmas lights with the fam today. My marriage feels better than ever. It seems the sun is rising in my life, and I’m enjoying it. It’s Sunday night in the US and alcohol still sucks.


15 days today!! Finally got to go trail riding today! It was wet, cold, and just plain nasty…and I’m so glad I went. Lol. I’m hoping it helps me sleep better tonight, really struggling in that aspect. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and has a good start to the week!!


You are right, thanks Lisa :yellow_heart: and thank you @anon60334405 :yellow_heart:


Atta Girl Courtney!!!