Checking In Daily to Maintain Focus #25

So cool. Proud of you. Have a great one today

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I’ve been sleeping and working so forgive me for the late hurrah!!!
If I had a £ for ever problem you have had to contend with I would be a rich man, if I had a £ for everytime you picked up bc of it like most people would and like you used to do I would be out begging for bread crumbs.
I’m so proud of you :grin:, OK I’m off to sit in the park with the birds just how I like it :bird::grinning:


Thank you. May your day be blessed as well

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Happy birthday and Happy sober days :birthday::tada::gift::cake::confetti_ball:

Happy birthday to you both @Harold!

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Are we having a party? Happy birthday. :bouquet:

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Day 146: Folks are probably getting birthday fatigue from my posts this weekend (sorry, not sorry!), but I have always made a big deal out of birthdays, mine and others’. Unmitigated celebration of a human and their entrance to this world is pretty magical and it should be celebrated with love and joy. And this year, at almost 5 months sober, entering into my 40th year on the planet, I am celebrating my first one fully present and alive and it really feels remarkable. Because my birthday is at the end of January, I have always felt like it was a personal “New Year’s” celebration, and when most folks are getting back to routine and starting their new year and maybe feeling some let down from the holiday season, I still always had my birthday to look forward to. It’s tradition for me to spend time on this day thinking about where I am with my personal goals, evaluating how I am feeling and what I want to do differently, what I want to keep up, and so on. This year I am tremendously grateful to be where I am now, and so stinking excited for what’s to come. I am missing my sweetest Chucho, and have grappled with feeling like we have been cheated out of enough time with him or that he was “taken” too soon. But (with some therapy and conversations with loved ones) I am now feeling he left when it was time, no one chose for him to be sick but it was what it was and we were lucky to have him in our life. We are all coming down from a high state of anxiety and stress with him sick and not knowing the future - we can now breath a bit easier. The stress is lifting and we are settling into life after Chucho, with Lupe learning what it means to be a solo dog in our family of 3, and I’m learning what life looks like for me after so much of my focus was on taking care of and watching over him. I have a lot of time on my hands now, and am looking forward to diving back into recovery work more deeply, exploring some ideas for a professional future, and really developing my mind after being stagnant for a LONG time. I have a doctor’s appointment this week and I am certain much of my energy will be spent evaluating and rebuilding my physical health, managing whatever issues are discovered, and crafting a healthy life. All of this is possible because I choose to be sober each day. And the future looks bright. I can say with all honesty it feels good to turn 39.

Edit: I want to thank all my TS amigos for celebrating with me. It’s so fun and feels good to have you as friends! Sending love your way! :heartpulse:


Woo hoo!! Today we celebrate YOU! :tada: Love your outlook on Birthdays, I might adopt it. Love you!





Felt this point.

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Checking in day 190.5!
Enjoying life on the farm! We go to bed listening to owls and wake up with the roosters. My daughter is obsessed with the chickens. We raised these when we were here 6 months ago. I cant believe this one lets my daughter pick it up and carry it around! Oh and so many eggs my daughter is in heaven.

@Harold Happy Birthday! :birthday:


So glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself there. Perhaps the thought of staying won’t be just a thought :eyes:.


I could stare at this photo all day. So comforting :heart_eyes:


Yes! I wish. Although we are staying in a camper LOL we are glamping. My grandma lives in a double wide on the property like 12 feet away. I go have coffee with her in the morning. My mom has 2 foster kids who love to play with my daughter and my brother lives here too! Its like a little compound here. I think its like 50 acres. Beautiful in the spring and summer but pretty cold right now. Like 40degrees. Feels good to be with my family.


Way to go Ryan. You got through that first month… one day at a time. Congratulations :clap: :balloon::tada::confetti_ball:

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Day 214
Had some roller coaster :roller_coaster: moments this week. More like a kitty ride than the previous TEXAS CYCLONE ( Biggest roller coaster in TX)…lol. Able to do what I needed to do. Accepting life on life’s terms… and overall just good and still very much GRATEFUL. I don’t expect everyday to be good, but knowing I can handle the bad ones is a VICTORY in my book.
So glad to see you all checking in this Sunday.
Have a blessed day.


Definitely. I get home at 8pm from my AA meeting. I’ll check and see if yall or still up.
I have no idea the time difference…

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I :green_heart: it! Takes me back to when we would visit my godfathers farm, and I was the same way about chickens, kittens, anything I could get my hands on. What a sweet image, thanks for sharing that joy with us.


It doesn’t really work that way… but thanks.

Happy birthday Harold! :confetti_ball::tada::birthday::balloon::sunflower::gift:

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