Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

How are you, Tyler? Long time no see. I hope you’re doing well.

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@Wasabi79 congrats on 4 months+ :tada:
@Tomek congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@RosaCanDo beaming love back at you :blue_heart::raised_hands:t2: and congrats on 5 months :tada:
@nwags congrats on 1 month+ :tada:
@StayStrong sending strength :pray:t2:
@Girlinterrupted this is the content I didn’t know I needed right now, ‘so now he’s her boyfriend’ just made me cry happy tears :sweat_smile:
@Harold congrats on 300 days :tada:
@anon83587935 welcome and congrats on your days :tada:
@apes2020 have a great retreat :pray:t2:
@NeverJust1 congrats on 80 days :tada:

180 days no alcohol.
148 days no Cocaine.

I am not in a great place. I have slipped deeper into depression and have lost my routine. I need to get back into the reading and meditating and short walks, those are the things that were keeping me ticking over, it’s so hard to do anything when I feel this low though. I am either sleeping in segments of 15mins or just laying here staring into space. I’ve just caught up on 450 posts, another 200 to go but I’m going to save that for tomorrow as it’s Saturday night and the singing programs start in 2mins, something to hopefully cheer me up, I may have to order pizza too after seeing a few posts about it along with a craving I’ve been battling all week.


Tyler, sorry to hear you’re feeling low. However, you sound to be very self aware, and that is one of the most important prerequisites to feeling better; you know what will help, you’ve got a plan, and you’re going to take steps (literally!) to take care of your mental health. Plus, you’re checking in here! I’ll be thinking about you! :heartpulse:


I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, bud! Daily routine is a life belt for all of us, I hope it will make a difference. Rooting for you!

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That’s a whole lotta 7’s! Congratulations


Hanging out with David on this sober Saturday!


Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball::balloon: cool :sunglasses: number!!

I’m 22 days sober and not craving! Thanks!


as many as you’d like! I hope the clouds clear soon, friend. :orange_heart:


I hope you feel better. Order that pizza, it may cheer you up especially if you’ve been craving it. Sending positive thoughts your way!!


Thanks! I blame @AyBee for getting me into timing screenshots of cool looking symmetrical numbers!

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A goal within a goal.

Congrats on 777.77
Serious numbers right there


Nice!! This made my day @Petr!! 7 is my favorite number and I’m determined to catch that same screen shot 270 days from now. :joy::joy:


77 days done. Frustrated this evening because a co-worker has done something that I find painful and offensive. This sort of thing has normally driven me to drink in the past, but not this time. Instead I’m feeling the offense, feeling the pain, and choosing to pray. I forgive him. I don’t think he was being malicious as much as he was just being careless. Hurts all the same though. So, here I am making the right decision, and that’s a win.


Checking in just onother casual Saturday
Grateful that im sober enjoying a horror movie texas chainsaw massacre gives me the jumps :laughing: have a great day everyone !


@RyanSA Sending strength to your whole family.

@AdvntrLane One month! So great!

@icebear Congratulations!

@Petr Wowzer!


Hooray! Way to go, Fleur, on 180 days! I always enjoy seeing your numbers because you are about a month ahead of me and you give me the next thing to strive for. I’m happy for you sticking with this commitment to yourself.


Nicely Done Fleur! :facepunch::heart::facepunch::heart:


I’ve been waiting for your post! 180 days yay! Super duper congratulations to you! :smile:

I hope you are smiling big. You’ve ridden out some tough ones - just good solid evidence that you can do it!

I always love seeing your posts. And tomorrow we get to see 181! Yay! :orange_heart: