Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

The color of the water was so pretty today going over the causeway. Not great pics but you can see some!


Day 213!
Going to meet up with a mom! I met her on Instagram odly enough but her husband went to school with my daughters dad and I hired her to do his resume. Her daughter loves eggs too, haha so its a match made in heaven. Ahh wish me luck that I still know how to talk to people.
Ive never had to pursue making friends before because Ive always just had them. So this is new for me. Hope you all gave a great sober day!


@Charlie_C Congratulations!

@Singtone @nwags Congratulations on 50 days!

@Rockstar24777 You have had some tough things going on, but u are a person who deserves happiness, and I believe u can find it.

@Dazercat Take care! When ur back hurts it is hard to do anything.


Thank you Fleur!


Sending warm fuzzies, and thinking of you as you work through this!

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Huge congrats on reaching triple digits Charlie!!! Perseverance pays off my friend!

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@Singtone Tony and @nwags Natasha congrats on your half centuries! Excellent work!


Thank you Menno!


93 days. Feeling so much better today than I have in several weeks. I think getting back to the gym with my friend had a lot to do with it. They say going to the gym has the same effects as an antidepressant med. Also, @littlemisschatterbox, I called the counseling office several times today with no answer. Left a voicemail. I will call back again tomorrow.


Iā€™ve been feeling like this all week and my brain just wants some time out of sobriety but Iā€™ve heard it all before and TBH I canā€™t remember once when it ever made a difference or made me feel better for longā€¦
Sometimes it ainā€™t gonna be pretty and Iā€™ve come to realize that itā€™s great when the world is dancing to my tune but when the music ends and things start to go wrong thatā€™s when I find out what Iā€™m made of. Today I donā€™t have much love for others or myself but as long as I donā€™t drink or get high that love will return.


Wow this is super helpful. Just saved it to my phone. These graphics are so great! Thank you for doing the work to get them!!! You make this community a great place!


Thanks Fleur. Since my back was spasming Iā€™m just lying here in bed with ice alternating with heat. I canā€™t even try to do anything.

Itā€™s funny I heard my wife go for her wine glass in the kitchen. I know that distinct sound or clink of a wine glass on the granite countertop. Oh it would be nice to have some for pain relief. But I donā€™t do that anymore. No desire. But those crazy thoughts entered my mind. Iā€™ll just stick with Advil and ice and bed.
Itā€™s always a great day to be sober.


Succes and good luck with your back Eric. Sorry. Thatā€™s really awful. Hopefully youā€™ll find relief soon.


Checking in, 9 months today, quite chuffed.

Hope your doing good :+1::facepunch:


Thanks Menno. I didnā€™t even do anything. Just got up from my chair :grimacing: Back pain sucks. Iā€™ve been worse. I know you know how it feels. Appreciate it my friend.

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Congratulations on your nine months. :boom::boom::boom: Thatā€™s awesome. That one is a lovely milestone. It really feels good donā€™t it? Keep up the phenomenal work. Youā€™re worth it. All the best to you.

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Thank you :blush:

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Day 2! Happy Monday, itā€™s a great day to be alive! :slight_smile: Woke up with the craving, but instead I chugged cold water and made my breakfast with some coffeeā€¦ journaled then got ready for work. Driving to work was hard and I wanted to smoke so bad, but these toothpicks have been helping me a lot.

I hope everyone has a good day. I pray tonight is easier than last. Being home from work, the cravings are starting to crawl back out. For some frustrating reason I feel like I am gonna break at some point. Really hope I dont.

I am strong! I am resilient! I can do anything I put my mind to. And so are you :slight_smile:


Finishing up a successful day :100: at a meeting! Thank God!


Rob Iā€™m thinking if you. Sending you strength and love. :heart: