Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Checking in DAY 197!
My last check in I mentioned I wasn’t feeling my best mentally and physically, well it turns out, I am sick. :sneezing_face: Went ahead and got tested for covid yesterday. Awaiting my results. I cant control how I feel right now but I can control what I put into my body… lots of vegetables!
Crazy how much our physical health and hormones can have such power over our mental state.
Anyway just letting you all know why Ive been MIA. Also, I dont have very good internet. Not quite the escape to my moms that I imagined LOL but life is pretty damn good as long as I am sober. Hope you all have a great day!


Yes, they are!

Mine will include:
Walking the dogs
Food prep for the week
Checking in on my online students
Helping BF put boxes in the attic
Making unhealthy snacks for the Super Bowl
Eating said unhealthy snacks
Bed after game…during if it’s boring
Prayers of gratitude for another sober day

Hope EVERYONE enjoys the day…


YAY @Misokatsu !!! I nearly missed this. Congratulations :+1::cake::+1::cake::kissing_heart:



Now that sounds like an awesome Sunday. Enjoy that chicken! Sounds delicious.


Congratulations on 6 months @CATMANCAM!!
Sorry I’m late to your party. :tada: :partying_face:


Congrats on your 34 days! I couldn’t help but reply to your comment, as I made pizzas with my kids last night as well, dough and all, and don’t usually. And I woke up to 35 days this morning. :blush:


So many awesome numbers in the last few days! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Congratulations @Petr :+1::+1::+1:.:+1::+1:



Same here @CATMANCAM :raising_hand_woman: Congratulations!! (and I hope you start feeling better soon). :cake:

@lisa07 Lil Sis - save some of the stuff on sticks please. Remember, nothing with pineapple though. :+1: :joy:


That’s great, Conor! Love to hear the positivity!

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Ha. You are a sister from another mister - we made dough for the first time too. It must be something to with 34th day brain waves, or something. Well done on your days. I’m loving seeing them accumulate.


Weird Sunday, of course I have no idea what I’m feeling or how to even explain it. However, I’m sober and so grateful for that. I start my next class on Tuesday, so that will be a good distraction.


Thanks so much Tyler. It doesn’t seem fair having those two milestones so close together.
But it’s so fucking cool.

I hope you are doing better today with your depression. And that you can get back to your walks. Try not to over do your walks when you get back out there so you don’t hurt yourself. Easy does it. I know it’s so freeing just a simple thing like walking. It has helped me tons now that the roads are clear of ice and snow.
Give Prince a loving scratch under the chin for me. I hope he is well.


I finally fell asleep :sleeping: I guess I was just too excited for the super bowl! :football:


I hope it’s a close game! It’s muggy and hazy here this morning…

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We are suppose to get snow around 2. I can’t wait it’s going to be good one for sure!

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Sis just told me they’re expecting 5 to 8. The Cape is less.

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Nice work pal! And you reminded me that the most inhospitable place we can live is in our own heads. :pray:

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YAY Beth!!! :+1:

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It wasn’t only @Misokatsu? We have a trifecta of 180 amazingness? Yay! Congrats @CATMANCAM and @icebear too! I hope I’m not missing others?!

Tyler, you’re always so kind and thorough to mention everyone in your posts - I skipped your big milestone! I hope you and Icebear are very proud!


So many awesome numbers!! I have happy feet :partying_face:

I, on the other hand, do not have symmetrical beauty in my numbers, but that’s ok :grimacing::joy:

Congratulations to everyone with 24 hrs. “1” was my hardest number. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: