Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

You’ll be fine Donna. Thinking of you. Hugs.


Day 22.
11 degrees.

So yesterday I injured my ankle at the gym. And I walked on it afterwards so damaged it more. But the time it was night fall, I physically couldn’t move it. The pain was unbearable. All that I could think was “I have a one on one meeting tomorrow with my therapist at OTP, I HAVE to be able to walk. I also have to go to work on Wednesday! I HAVE to be able to walk , its only my second shift! I can’t cancel!” …

I’ve woken up this morning and I can limp on it, so over night the swelling has settled but I can still feel the damage and I know if I walk on it , it will be worse. I have 5 hours till I have to leave for OTP meeting. I think I will ice it till then and see how I feel. I really can’t miss work tomorrow.

Everything was going so great then boom, one I jury and I’m unable to walk.

Very frustrated right now.



I am so beyond happy for you Kyle, this has put a grin on my face from ear to ear, I am so proud to have once being your sober twin. I fighting the good fight, on my longest stretch. Well done :clap: your awesome :ok_hand:


1 year of continuous sobriety :grin::tada::confetti_ball::sparkles::fireworks::sparkler::+1:


Outstanding. Congratulations. Inspiring message for someone who also spent 30+ years in a blurry haze.


142 days nearly ticked off. Still getting over sinus infection but mending.
@Charlie_C I am so envious looks stunning, enjoy every moment, and bury the laptop in the sand :grinning:
@apes ouch that sounds painful, hope it eases for you and you get to work and OPT OK
Wishing everyone a strong sober day…:innocent:


This chimes with me, Scott. Thank you.


Checking in Day 8th feeling amazing
No smokes no drinks getting back to myself things are going great with wifey celebrating 12 years of being together next month our marriage will heal will be better and we will get through this I’m feeling amazing let’s gooo !


God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. you are amazing. ya you!!


Ah this is great! I didnt know you were back together!?! Great to hear :tada::heart::pray:


Wait what?
Did I miss something too?
Is there a big congratulations in order for you guys?


Oh man April that sucks. Have you been to the doctors? I’ve broke many an ankle :grimacing: these days they can give you a walking boot or something so you can get around. You can still work this problem out. I hope it doesn’t hurt too badly. Ice. Lots of ice. Maybe some Advil or ibuprofen. Get a doctor to look at it.
Frustrating? Rightfully so! But this isn’t going to stop you with all the great stuff you been doing.


@GVLNative - Thanks for checking in and major congrats to you!
@apes2020 - ugh, I have twisted/sprained my ankle many times. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Doctor might need to take a look at it.


@Wakikki Many of us have been there, self hate won’t help. You are a worthy person who is struggling. What else could you do to get longer this time?

@Squirt Shit days happen, I just had one too, here’s hoping today is better.

@DLS Positive thoughts coming your way!

@apes2020 Get well soon!


Checking in day 501. You guys are great :+1:. Y’all are too kind. I’m still walking on clouds today from all your compliments and accolades as they spill over into today. Tonight I’ll celebrate my 500 with my Daughter and her husband at Mastro’s Ocean Club in Malibu. There will be plenty of martinis and wine for the other customers because this guy’s drinking lots of Perrier and lemon. I hear it goes great with a prime cut bone in rib eye. That’s what I’m talking about :pray:t2::heart::yum:


1230.I have a few minutes so I thought I’d do a quick check-in. I hope everyone is doing well. Keeping busy with life. I’m excited that my boys will be vaccinated this week!! I’ve been a little frustrated I was given a “promotion” and they didn’t give me a raise so I’ve been very hesitant on signing the new position they said they want to wait to see how much time I will be spending on the new program before they decide what I should be compensated. I’m so torn because I really love my job and I’ve already worked with the new program before. I’m a very hard worker and I give 110% in everything I do. Idk…what to do. No house yet. I know it will come when the time is right! Congrats on all the milestone. You guys are amazing!


Do you have an Ace bandage? That sucks, I have had that happen. I tried to waitress on it once, not good!
Maybe let work know ahead of time so they can either put it off a few days or have you do something remotely. I forget what your position is…🤷😘

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Awesome, see you there!

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e28296ffa74126127d00cb7ecb8848cbc0ef6af5ae0828f02466141d5acde9bb.0 will head to the doctor tomorrow, will see how I go after today resting it. Today my gratitude goes to my legs and feet! I’ve realized now that I’m immobile, I can’t do what I need to do. So my legs and feet allow me to accomplish my daily goals and intentions, so I am very grateful for them today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: