Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

This is so tough. It’s taken a lot of work to get on the same page with my husband, and even now I had to come to the understanding that I will not succeed in recovery if I rely solely on him for support. This community was my main support for a long time, but then I started listening in to women’s only recovery groups on zoom, then some AA groups, and then over time found I group I felt comfortable participating in. But to be honest, just listening in was even helpful. Hearing other people tell what sounded like my story! Such comfort. Finally, I sought help from my doctor and started therapy online through Talkspace. I have been honest with other friends and family members and I feel like I finally have a support network to lean on and get a boost when I need it. This is all in addition to reading recovery literature, listening to podcasts, journaling and other things to work on getting better at getting better. I recommend you try any and al of the above, read through posts here from folks with a lot of clean/sober time who’ve shared what worked for them, and write out a plan for yourself. Start anywhere, but start. I have made the mistake of doing so much that I felt overwhelmed and had to dial it back a bit and do other things like cook or garden that are not directly recovery related. That helped, too. I am sorry if this is long winded, but I can relate and wanted to share. You can also search for threads using the magnifying glass on topics like “partner still drinks,” etc and you’ll see there are several. Sending strength and love your way. :heartpulse:


Talk to us! What is happening? We are here for you anytime.

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1 year Donna!! That’s great!!
I had no idea :roll_eyes: You are always here so supportive of all of us and I almost never know when you get to a milestone. I’m so glad I check in and saw your party happening. I am so happy for you. I appreciate the way you care for us on our journeys. You are such a thoughtful positive influence on this forum to all.
Great job from a great lady.



Thank you so much, Eric! :hugs:
I really do feel like a family here, and you guys are truly happy for me! :sparkling_heart:


@Its_me_Stella yay for good news :raised_hands:t2: @emc2018 congrats on 700 days :tada:
@Soundlab sorry to hear, welcome back :blush:
@DLS congrats on your soberversary :tada::star2:
@nick_1985 so sorry for your loss :blue_heart:
@icebear I hope you’re okay? Sending strength :pray:t2:

295 no alcohol.
263 no cocaine.
18 days no binge-eating.

Much better sleep last night, best in ages! :raised_hands:t2:

Gym and swimming was great though it’s harder to motivate myself for the afternoon sessions, but they were the only ones available this week.

Looking forward to ED therapy on Thursday, I need to type up my food diaries onto the forms and send them to the therapist, so that’s a job for tomorrow.


Congratulations! Looking forward to my first year! Thank you for being an inspiration!

Wishing you a million more!


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Thank you! It feels like a big deal, :smile:!

A very quick check in on Day 47.
Haven’t had much time on my phone so need to have a proper catch up on here in the morning. Hope all are well!


That’s because it is a HUGE, beautiful and awesome deal!

I’m dancing a jig for you this afternoon!

Awesome work!

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Day 17 feeling great once again. Love the inspiration I get from this group. Thanks to all.


Thanks Thomas. Wish it was day 4, but that was literally 4 minutes into quitting the cigs. Have woken up feeling pretty good though, it’s mainly about breaking the habit and keeping myself busy. Let’s see how today goes…


Day 17: A big sober smile and high five comin’ at ya, amigos! It’s a great day.


CONGRATS!!! What a beautiful milestone! These types of accomplishments keep me going, they give me hope. We all know how much alcohol has stolen from us and to kick it in the face with such amazing milestones as this must be a great feeling! From 1 day to x years, every moment of clarity is a gift.

Well done!!! :pray:t3::confetti_ball:


Don’t pick up bc it only keeps getting better, first this community seems like a great place to be and then Boom!!!, life, the world and all that is in it suddenly becomes a great place to be. Congrats on your sober days :+1:


I’m so proud of you sis! You are always there for everyone giving good advice or lending an ear to listen. I’m so thankful and blessed to call you my dear friend. Congratulations on one year!!! You are beautiful on the inside and out. You are amazing and deserve all the world has to offer. Keep killing it one day at a time!! :kissing_heart::tada::partying_face::yellow_heart: :medal_military:


Thank you my sweet lil sis! And for a Mamoa sighting, ALWAYS welcome! :smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Love you…:kissing_heart:



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Are you going cold turkey or are using any kind of nicotine substitute

Thank you so much! I love our sober sisters community too. You all make a big difference to me! :revolving_hearts:

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Courtney Donna is also the biggest eejit in the forum :rofl::rofl: