Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

Congrats on 11 months Emm!! That’s amazingl!! Cloud gazing is my favorite. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve done it so much more since sobriety!! :cloud: :cloud:


Felicidades :partying_face: on your 200 days, Charlie!!! I always want to call you “Chuck,” like Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown hahaha! Makes me chuckle :face_with_hand_over_mouth: See what I did there? :joy:

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Checking in at the end of day 150.
Managed to get some decent work done today so I feel a bit less down on myself as I get ready for bed. Lockdown is not for me!
Got a new Fitbit yesterday after my old one passed away in January. Back then I actually thought to myself ‘I’ve changed now, I don’t need a device to tell me to exercise’. :man_facepalming:
Similar to my old approach to moderate drinking.
4 months and virtually no exercise later, I have a new one and it’s working already. Two walks done. :boom::muscle:t2:
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:


You haven’t fucked up, your here expressing a desire of a drug that has already stole a % of your life.

What ever is going on for you, you know thats the old way of coping and its hard.
But what good will come if you pick up?

Where will that take Dan?


Haha - thanks Rosa!

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Beautiful sober months of being present, creative and feeling all the feels. Super happy for you Emm.



Congrats Charlie on 200 days!!!


Thank you Stella!

That was beautiful @Its_me_Stella thank you so much for your kindness. I’m on break at work but am really interested in those grief groups @SassyRocks talked about. It’s definitely good to not go through this alone. I appreciate you all so much, thank you again


hey y’all! i am on Day 2 of no alcohol/no cigarettes and i am craving a smoke SO BAD!! it’s more so psychological/emotional -/ it feels like all the sadness and anger i’ve been carrying on my heart is coming up and i have no way to comfort it with substances, so i just feel soooo raw and uncomfortable. how did you / do you guys deal with the emotional stuff that comes up and avoid the temptation to numb it like we did before? i am on the edge of my seat to go get a pack and make some excuse like “well doing alcohol and cigarettes both is just too much at once so i’ll just do alcohol first which means it’s ok for me to have cigarettes for now i’ll just quit them later” — i’ve made that excuse before and it never works that’s why i decided to do them both together! man i want a cigarette so bad right now but i just feel like if go get a pack i’ll end up drinking in a couple days cuz they go hand in hand for me. :weary::weary: this is TOUGH!!!


Checking in today! Hope you all have a good one.
@Hopeful777 Happy Birthday!! Your cake looks divine!! :heart_eyes::drooling_face:
Great job @littlemisschatterbox!! On working your way through that emotional reaction…keep checking in here, we are here for you! Sending love your way… :love_letter:
@Charlie_C 200 days!!! :tada::tada: AWESOME!!!


@manishc Great to see you checking in. Hope this passes quickly.
@Its_me_Stella Absolutely awesome news about Nugget.
@emc2018 Congratulations on 700 days
@DLS Massive congratulations on your 1 year. As I’ve been following behind you, your presence on my journey has strengthened me. You are a beautiful soul and I’m soooooooo proud of you.
@M-be-free49 Congratulations on 11 months
@Hopeful777 Happy birthday.
@Charlie_C Congratulations on 200 days.
@dalex77 Hang in there Dan and connect with some peeps. Sending love and strength.
@Singtone Congratulations on 150 days.

351 days Yesterday was a long one and I’m glad it’s over. The internal battles surrounding my birthday are ones that I need to dig deep and work on. I’m getting so excited about becoming 1 year sober that it’s almost hard to contain myself. Living the sober life isn’t something I desired nor thought was possible. BUT here I am doing it and wouldn’t trade my sobriety for anything. I have a long way to go but have come a long way and am loving myself more and feeling I’m getting better at getting better.


Congratulations on 11 months Emm!

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Listen to me man it isn’t worth it. I promise dude, keep posting and checking in bro


Day 290 :raising_hand_woman: :dizzy::sunny:


Looks perfect, swimming is good for the soul :ok_hand:

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@Charlie_C congratulations on 200 days!


Thanks man. Today I’m teaching the girls how to change a harley tire


Are you noticing a trend with your relapses? They seem fairly consistent to me. If we learn from our relapses I can lessen the blow. However if we continually make the same mistake over and over again then we have learned nothing.


It really helps to be around people who get it. Like here, but for grief. You can look up ‘grief support groups near me’ on Google and hopefully find some. There are online groups as well, but if you can locate an in person group, all the better in my opinion.

And please know that your response to your grief, the suicidal thoughts, it is normal. I know it is scary for others to hear about, but it is a common response to such intense pain and turmoil. I am sorry you are suffering, how could you not be. I am glad you keep reaching out and looking for ways to heal. It is a long process, a lifelong journey, but you can find peace. :heart: