Thanks for the mention. I was encouraged to take it easy and use my fingers as much as possible to help keep my strength up but yesterday the pain was pretty strong as the day went on. Today it feels much better and as I continue to heal I will feel out how much I can use it. Haven’t had to take any meds for pain, which is great. That’s my preference.
Congratulations!! That is so amazing. Proud of you
Day 62: Had to make some hard decisions yesterday. All still tentative, but I’m feeling a bit salty because I wish I had had all the information related to my recovery from surgery ahead of time. And it’s also on me because I didn’t ask the right questions. Oh well. Live and learn. I won’t be going camping with my in-laws and will stay at my parents’ house instead. I get my bandages off and stitches out two days before we leave, and apparently I will have to still take it easy (and clean) for a while and start incorporating some strength building exercises. I don’t know what I was expecting. Then the day after we get home I have my “actual” follow up with the surgeon. Le sigh. Eric assures me his family will be understanding and won’t judge but I feel pretty sad about this. At the same time, I will be able to take care of Lupe and take that burden off of my parents. Keep her off of their immaculate furniture LOL! So maybe it’s for the best. Gotta see that silver lining. I’m grateful to be sober through it all. I slept so hard yesterday and feel really good today. Haven’t had to take anything for pain yet and managing it well with ice packs. Just about to take my best girl out for her walk. Much love, my sober amigos!
It really is! Especially the stretching, it just wakes up your body. The older I get, the creekier I get, and stretching just feels amazeballs in the morning
You’re kicking ass lady, it’s so good to see
My only advice is don’t look back.
My 1st clean date was June 27th 2005 but I fucked up royaly and got hit by a tsunami relapse that lasted 12 years long, dragging my baby girl with me.
If I constantly beat myself up for that, if I always tell myself “you could have been celebrating 16 years not 18 months.” Where is that getting me? It’s getting me nowhere but beating my ass down. We need to build ourselves up… this is a battle. Us against the strongest fucker we will ever fight and if we are fighting ourselves AND our addiction we have no chance. Don’t fight yourself too…
You slipped, it happens get up and start fighting to get your life back.
Checking in this morning sober on
Day 16 no crack/cocaine
Day 11 no booze
Been waking up anxious since I quit everything cold turkey but today is exceptionally worse given its the weekend. I know I’ll get through it. I’m probably not gonna leave the house again today. Thankfully I have all the food I need here lol. Have a good day everyone!
Hello friends. Checking in on day 35. Happy weekend, everyone. I think I’ve finally rounded the bend on this damn cold. I might try to go on a bike ride here in a bit. I finally got an intake with a therapist on Tuesday, so I got that goin’ for me.
I hope all my European friends are safe and dry with all the flooding going on recently
Checking in day 4! I feel like I am walking a tightrope. I don’t want to fall.
Thanks for that!!
But I think about how I could be powerful were like today I would have had 82 days and I got a week now thinking about 82 days it’s like yeah I’m proud and have them seven days today is like eh. I know a recovery a week is a big step but just to have like some clean time and then just to lose it, kind of hurtful if you know what I mean
Your made it back! You werent gone for long, your still alive be greatful for another chance hold on for dear life learn from the slips and falls to have better footing when something devastating comes and tests us..
For me i look at my relapses like i could been dead so yeah im greatful im still here. Keep stacking up the sober days and we get further along in our recovery..
Here we go again with the Friday night struggle, I think I need to reevaluate my train of thought! For so long I’ve trained my self to Thursday being ladies night so I gotta act a fool for my species’s, And Friday and Saturday I could do what ever because I want remember and the people who love me will forgive me and never bring up the dumb things I’ve done unless we laughing about it over more drinks, Funny how I never put this in prospective until being the one watching so call friends audition for my old role. Like I said when I began my sober journey, I resign from my old position in life, everything I was and left behind is up for grabs. I’m stepping into a new role! And it requires a version of me that’s aware of my last night’s! And prepared for my tomorrow! No lack of judgement, or self control but confident and aware of my actions!
Tomorrow be soberity for 120 that four months
That reminds me of myself. I think I feel. Two different things. I am afraid there is no guidance on how you ‘should’ feel. I am more guided by my brain. It usually analyses everything, interprets, tries to give meaning or yells shut up at my feelings. What I learned: feelings are to be felt near the heart, gut. So maybe try to sit and listen what’s up there. I think there is no shortcut to feel all of a sudden when all the years of using we were careful to bottle all feelings down.
Thank you so much for the support! II’ll keep the shower trick in mind in future. I managed to push through yesterday and feeling better for it today.
Those looks really helpful thank you. I’ll save these to my phone for future. Sugary drinks helped me a LOT yesterday.
- Gutted that my wife doesn’t want me to go with her and the kids for a weeks holiday in a week. I know it’s hurting her too. It’ll be ok. Just hurting over where my life is right now. One day at a time.
Some one else recommended a shower as well! It must be a good one. I’m going to add power walks to my list and put these ideas in a jar to pull out on my next tough day. Thank you.
Day 399 clean and sober today. Thank you @Hopeful777 and @Chiron. I put in a half day at work today and am home now. Still not hearing anything back from the counselor position and getting a lot of run around every time I’ve called to talk with them. I hope everyone has a great day today, love you guys!