Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

Checking in at the start of day 220.
Completely forgot to check in yesterday, despite doing my usual reading before bedtime.
Had dinner with friends yesterday evening. My friend is trying a period of sobriety, which is great. It gave us a lot to talk about. Had a lovely evening, a pleasant drive home feeling all grown up, and a clear head this morning. Magic.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.


Canā€™t believe made it through yesterdayā€¦thanks for your support team! Going for day 19 next!


Good morning all :blush:


Stay strong MagicILY.
What you are going through sounds really hard and scary. I sorry itā€™s coming to this. But you are sober. You are clear headed. You are strong. And you are worth being in a really good relationship. And you are so smart knowing alcohol wonā€™t help the situation. Keep checking in. I feel the most important thing now is to get through this sober. Sober you, can get, and deserves the best.
You and your boyfriend will be in my prayers.


Way to go Kelly. Day 18 down. Day 19 next. One lousy day at a time. Good job.


Congrats on your continued recovery.


Day 3 for me today:) love the journal entry reminders. Nice way to reflect on your day:)


Love this post and what youā€™ve said here. Of course I hate that you have felt poorly. I hope that soon you will be recovered. My thoughts and prayers for that. Youā€™re the girl who did the 5 min.! Friends want to helpā€¦ I am glad you have people around that can help you get going again. Iā€™m glad you got the courage to ask them and to feel good about that.
It is very much a strength and not a weakness.
I know youā€™ll get there and get back to where you were. One day at a time.


I know your right, going to contact this morning with a positive attitude :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in on Day 118. X


Good morning everyone. Im up, Im sober, had myself some coffee and vitamins, ready for the day, ready for work.

Busy day today, first off work and then dinner, cleaning house, shop for birthdaygift and party tomorrow. My son have birthday.

At least a really busy day will help me keep my mind on other then alcohol and stay sober.

Nice Day to you all :slightly_smiling_face:


I mean sounds like the right call! And glad you are feeling the positive effects of it now :blush:

Rather than fighting it, is it possible to notice and accept it? Have you ever done any of the Tara Brach Rain stuff? It can be pretty helpful. E.g.

Recognise - label the thought. ā€˜I am experiencing some craving right nowā€™. Notice any thoughts, feelings, body sensations.

Allow - take a pause, give yourself permission to feel this way, its OK. No need to do anything about it.

Investigate - whatā€™s really going on to cause this? Try and approach with a spirit of curiosity. Am I feeling hungry, angry, lonely, tired? Jealous? Why?

Nurture - apply some self compassion. What do you really need? Some time, space, connection, comforting words, a walk, a creative activity? Do that!

Loads of stuff on it here >> Resources ~ RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture - Tara Brach

I do not apply this as often as I could! So I will be reading through this today :hugs:

You know where drinking leads you, and itā€™s obviously not something you want to do or you wouldnā€™t be back here. Hope you can hold onto that as well as how much better you feel for checking in this morning with a clear head :pray::sparkling_heart:


227 days

@icebear congratulations on two months
@Chance had to double check your counter what an inspirational achievement :clap:
@MagicILY stay strong you doing so well, hope your meeting with your partner has some positive outcomes you deserve that.

Hi all, had a lovely river swim last night certainly lifts the mood and energy levels.

Chasing up new job today, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Another weekend camp organised for a good friends birthday coming this weekend. Not excited about it as they will all be drinking, not judgemental i am the addict not them. But its not how i want to spend my time anymore. So this will be my last one. In the future i will pop in with gift, card and go.

Have a good day all


Been a while since I checked in and feels like lots to update, will try and keep it brief ish :laughing:

Went away to a yoga festival with a friend, we volunteered so had to cover a few shifts but got to do a couple of gong baths and some nice relaxing stuff. I didnā€™t do much physical yoga but Iā€™m just not in that place at the moment and Iā€™m not pushing myself to be. It was so good to be in a field full of people camping! And a sober event so it was all super chill. I was super prepared with my stove and food so ate really well and cheaply the whole time. Russell Brand showed up on the last night, he lives nearby the site. I got to say hi and of course told him about being sober, which I got a little congratulations for so that was pretty cool!

Mainly slept last week as was pretty exhausted, ha. But Friday night went to the pub, where I live they are all pretty close but this one is just down the road. A friendā€™s husband is in a band and they were playing, so I went along. Had a good dance along with some people I know and bumped into. They were drinking, not excessively, and were actually pretty hilarious. It was a good time.

Saturday I caught up with a friend who I havenā€™t seen for years despite us living less than an hour away. It made my heart so happy. We were dreaming and scheming about working at festivals next summer, organising sober events and generally just catching up. Weā€™re going to a festival next month with some friends from our hometown which will be awesome.

Monday night went to an open mic night to meet another friend Iā€™ve not seen for a little while. Itā€™s funny I was chatting to someone else about going and they said oh I donā€™t know, drinking on a work night? Iā€™m like I donā€™t drink and I donā€™t work so itā€™s fine by me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

Iā€™ve been thinking about how when I first got sober I just couldnā€™t ever imagine myself having all this fun. But here I am doing it anyway! :dancing_women: It hasnā€™t happened over night, it hasnā€™t always been easy, but being able to navigate the world sober is so worth it.

Got some possible job stuff coming up, had a message from a contact about 2 days a week. Heā€™s away for the rest of the month so got a bit of breathing space around that. Not sure how I would manage it, I want to explore dance and healing stuff and donā€™t want to take away from that. I will be honest about it when I speak to him and see what he says.

Today am off to view a couple of houses with land, to see if the dream might actually turn into a reality. Was hoping to see four today as the area is 1.5 hours away but looks like it will be two today and two Friday. Itā€™s a nice place though so will make a day of it with some nice walks etc.

Got a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to get a blood test and review mental health situation. I feel like Iā€™ve been pushing for it for a while but now Iā€™ve got the opportunity I donā€™t know what I want from it :face_with_hand_over_mouth: so need to have a think about that.

Anywayā€¦ That really is the brief version!


Thatā€™s awesome :sunglasses: Iā€™ve become a big fan of his over the past few years, a genuinely great person I think. His videos on current events are the most balanced Iā€™ve seen. And his meditation channel is cool too.

Lots of nice things happening for you atm. Best of luck with the house hunting, exciting times!!


Day 900

Feeling mostly better now after being sick last week. Still pretty uninspired by work tho. Summer is typically a slow time for me but this year seems slower than normal. And I found out recently that Iā€™m further away from a promotion that I would like than I thought. Itā€™s disappointing but itā€™s cool, Iā€™m not upset about it. Iā€™m fortunate to have the job I do. In someways its good as it frees me up to focus on other things. But it has also had an impact on my enthusiasm for work right now.

A friend and I are in the process of planning a short canoe trip in a few weeks time. Itā€™s great to have something to look forward to and I treated myself to a new tent. Itā€™ll be great to get out of town for a couple of days and we have both said that we want to do more of these types of things. Hopefully itā€™ll be the first of many trips.

My anxiety peaked last week and thankfully seems to be settling back down. I was finding all the video calls at work really difficult and was disassociating quite a bit. Feeling like Iā€™m watching the conversation rather than being part if it. There is an expectation at my work that you always have your video on during zoom calls. Iā€™m not a fan of this ā€˜ruleā€™ but Iā€™ve spoken my mind on the issue and was ignored. Not much I can do about it :man_shrugging:

Have a good day folks :+1:

  1. Coffee. Two days off. Got a bit depressed last night by reading an article on the continued travel ban for Europeans wanting to go to the USA. 18 Months now and no end in sight. Missing my friend there and travelling around in the big wide open. While at the same time that latest news on the climate makes me wonder if I should travel at all.
    Well. First world problems right. Iā€™m sober and clean. By enlarge Iā€™m healthy. It looks like a bit of (Indian) summer is finally restarting here. Planning a pretty long bike ride for tomorrow. Working on avoidance, procrastination and self discipline today. Loving on Luna today a bit. Grateful to be alive. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love form Amsterdam and Bandon OR in 2018.

@Hailstrom 900! Wow! Congrats friend.


Good morning right back at ya,ā€¦

I tumbled into a questionā€¦

The Corona virus is now 2years and somewhat among us.

My Nala is 3 years and almost 6 months.

Covid virus dogs it said in her vaccination passport which is way older then the first Chinese covid patientsā€¦ I am confused :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy::heavy_heart_exclamation:

So she could have been vaccinated like 44 months ago and it existed clearly for a long time before we had to deal with itā€¦

Maybe with the vaccination programm our offspring will bark instead of crying for milk


Have a good one yaā€™ll


Thanks mate, you have a nice round number on the horizon too :+1:


COVID-19 is a corona virus Joost, one of many (or to be more precies itā€™s the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus). The common cold is cause by another corona virus. Dog corona virus is yet another one Canine Coronavirus Disease | VCA Animal Hospital . Like Nala is a Staffy. And a dog. But not all dogs are Staffies. Right?