Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Great Job Kelly.


Day 414
Evening check in - I’ll try to keep it brief.

Talked to my younger cousins today letting them know what’s going on with my mom, and checking in on my aunt. She’s doing much better, nearly fully recovered from her bit with covid.

Making plans for a week of bikepacking beginning of next month doing Wisconsin Waterfall Loop. Never planned more than a 3 day bike trip before. Lots of food and camping to plan! It will be a welcoming challenge to distract my brain from some of the more serious aspects of life right now.


Way to go Bart!

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Day 17 is at an end. Had a few stressful days this week, and I didn’t drink when I normally would. Made time to work out everyday, and feeling pretty good and confident. Is this self-esteem?? Am I starting to like myself? :woman_shrugging:. I even worked out at the park during my kid’s soccer practice. Still emotional, but it’s good. Park workout gear, because I’m so proud of myself. :hugs:


You’ve been coming along so nicely MagicILY. You have thought so many things through. It sounds like you really want and appreciate your sobriety a lot and you know you’re worth it. It sounds like you have a well thought out plan. Maybe keep in mind an escape plan just in case you want or need to get away for a bit while you have your family get together. Nothing wrong with that. Just a thought. You’ve come so far. Protect your sobriety date at all cost. It’s so worth it. And so are you.


Checking in Day 46 Alcohol Free

The visit with my boyfriends dad and his dad’s wife is going well so far. They are all drinking and smoking but I’m doing my thing and we’re all having a good time and it’s fun to catch up. They love to party but just want everyone to have a good time, so if that means no smoking or drinking for me they don’t really care. I sometimes just have to remind them that I don’t…

They LOVED their present. Makes me happy. It’s called a Skogen Tomte (pronounced skoogen tomten) and it’s like a Scandinavian gnome kind of being. In Scandinavian countries they used to put them under the floorboards. It was believed they protected the home and watched over animals when you traveled. People would make offerings of butter and porridge when they returned. If you didn’t make an offering they would play tricks on you. The woman who makes them updated it so the idea is when you travel you get a pin and come back and add it to their hat. I love it so much!! They are soft and wonderful and cute. I need to get one for my home too but I just knew when I saw them it was the perfect gift.


Checking in sober - today was an uneventful sort of boring day, but that is a good thing. Balance and and getting used to the steady and stable is healthy. I hope everyone is having a peaceful day/night.


Isn’t that aggravating to mess things up? But…you messed up while sober. I guess that’s easier to accept. :poop: happens! Good luck repairing! :laughing::laughing:

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Day 144.

Here below are a couple of entertaining and informative short videos for y’all to enjoy :point_down::heart::pray:

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I looked at my counter and saw this…

No particular milestone… but a number that pleased me to see!


Almost at 200 girl !! :heart::tada::pray:

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Night filter on, because it’s bedtime for me. Goodnight all.


Sounds awesome! Have fun :biking_man:t3: :mountain_snow: :sunny:


I love that number :heart::heart::heart:
So happy for ya.


Hello, just checking in. Day 10


Thank you , and congratulations on your 461 days.


I could read this everyday. Thank you. :orange_heart: