Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

@SoberSenze welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
@anon27760155 bless you! Hope your meds are sorted now and you get home to Luna asap :pray:t2:
@LaurieVee welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 25 days :tada:
@1in8billion welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: I hope things go well with the psychologist :pray:t2:

420 days no alcohol.
388 days no cocaine.
26 days no binge-eating.

Today has been a challenge. It took 6 hours to get through to anyone at my dentist, and then I couldn’t get an appointment until tomorrow afternoon. It was too late to go and help my dad so I had to let him down, he asked if I could help tomorrow if needed but I said about my appointment. I feel awful when someone asks for my help and I can’t fulfil it, but at the same time, there are 3 of them living there so they should be able to manage between them, and I barely keep on top of my own housework. Today I managed to do my washing up and clean the kitchen and bathroom a bit. I’ve also showered so I feel good about that. I have been in the worst mood and really craving Fiveguys (my favourite take away), it was the only thing I thought might help, but I have managed to resist so far and it’s 18:30 now so hopefully I won’t cave. I have now realised what might be the issue, yesterday was my first day on half strength nicotine in my vape, so now my bad mood makes sense. I have meditated before coming here and that has helped a bit.


Thanks for all the love :heart: yall. The 800 club is feeling good. :pray:t5:


Checking in. When I feel good, its all good. But when I feel bad its all really dragging me in a black hole mind consuming full of headeachs and anxiety.

I was reading about selleryjucie, and how it benefints the body and mind in several ways. Helping anxiety, digestion, skininprovment, headeachs and more. So, Im going to try this, from tomorrow.
Anybody have any experience with this?


Checking in as well. Still sober. A year and 7 months and 12 days. Today I feel crafty and artistic I am doing a diamond painting :gem::framed_picture: and then I learned how to cross stitch as well. So I am in a great mood. I love spending my time doing stuff like this.


Checking in. The fog is lifting. Got through today with that haze feeling you have a fe days after a binge.

3 days in and feeling better which is surprising because I thought if be depressed for weeks after slipping.

My focus is to engage with the tools I use to have sobriety. Excited for it.

Next steps are to get some good food and more sleep then build up my constitution up.


Thanks, I truly intend to…


You’re so awesome, lady! Big big felicitaciones on such a bomb milestone!


Way to bounce back! That’s a great sign. You’ve got the tools and you’re applying them. :+1:t3:


On day 2… Having a rough day and feeling pretty low but I’m not going to drink.


183 days of freedom. A gift to myself ,and my family,. I’m actually quite a funny person that my children like being around today. It’s taken all these months to gain their trust where they can now relax on a daily basis and be themselves without defense mechanisms in place to deal with my old tempers from the drinking past. Today life is peaceful around me and my children and most of the day is manageable.
My only qualm right now is the amount of shite I’m cleaning up from 6 week old kittens…they are seriously stressing me out now, running around being bonkers!!


Check in. Very bored nothing to do and the up and emotional roller coaster ride. Still clean and sober


I went quite ok. Judgement in 10 days

My weekend was hell…
I’m struggling with to much I guess.
Feel like losing controll , drowning and lost in emptyness

Keep my head up is getting hard, but now quick to bed. Spended the weekend in emotional moments instead of getting sleep and I’m exhausted



Hello! This is my FIRST DAY of sobriety. It know it doesn’t mean much seeing as though there’s people on here who have been sober over a year. I’m praying that I can do the same!




Welcome to the group! We all just have today. Here you’ll meet lots of helpful, supportive and funny people from all over the world! Read everything you can and share when you feel comfortable.


It is alot. I remember very clearly how hard it was to get my first 24 hrs, my first back to back days, my first week of consecutive days. The fact that you are here and you are trying is alot on its own. Welcome to the forum!!!


Admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.



Congrats on 7 consecutive days!!!

That first week was hard for me so I am always so happy when I see someone make it 7 days.



Way to go Callie! Congrats on your first week - if you can do that you’re solid to continue. Sending you good thoughts!


Almost at the end of day 9!! God I feel great… Everything is alot clearer for me now. I’m never going back!