Checking in daily to maintain focus #36

Day 36 check in. Feeling great last day before vacation days start. The goal is to actually focus at work and get things done! We’ll see about that… have a great day!


Thank you!!! I am so excited for it too :grinning: God bless


Thank you Dana! :grinning::heart: Hope you are doing well


Thank you Stella! Nice to see you, hope all is well!

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Congrats :tada:


Good morning from our motel room in Kentucky, we are halfway to our destination of Tybee Island Georgia!

It was a long day yesterday, most of a full day of teaching the day before vacation, then over 500 miles in the car. We should have an easier time today and get to our rental house near the beach sometime this afternoon.

I got to read a lot in the car and am up well before the hubby again today, so I’m here to say yay! Checking in and feeling positive about my first sober vacation since 1982!

I wish you peace and calm in these next few days. Not gonna lie, there is a reason I leave the family and area at Christmas. We can save that little story for another time. Or maybe we will just leave that drama behind too.

Back to peace for all of you. :slight_smile:


I felt the same a couple of times this week - seems to be everyone talking about drinking for Xmas and sometimes it can really get to you . But you know that our lives are so much better without alcohol without the guilt , the hangovers , the lying , the obsession about where the next drink is coming from . Just need to keep thinking about that when I / we think we miss it … I hope you have a lovely Christmas! :christmas_tree:


Hey all, checking in on day 557. I hope everybody has a good one!


Long overdue for a checkin and hello to everyone but I’m still sober - day 938 :raised_hands:t3:
Sober life has been hectic but overall great! Some days on this journey, thoughts of alcohol don’t even cross my mind and it’s just so crazy to look back and remember that 938 days ago I had no fking clue and was panicked over how I was going to “manage” life without it…
Makes me realise my definition of “manage” back then is alot different to how I define it today. Back then I was existing not living, life was not so slowly unraveling at the seams and my holding it together exterior was no longer fooling anyone close to me.
Absolutely so grateful to this forum and the people who are this forum, without you I would not be here today. Will try to pop in more regularly, it’s great to see so many new faces, milestones and old familiar faces. ODAAT :pray:


404 Charlie wowee I am SO proud of you :heart:

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Hey guys.
I actually relapsed today. I woke up in the morning and boom I just had an urge and I gave in. I am very sad and also disappointed.
@KevinesKay hey kevin. I am actually at chapter 23 in easypeasy, in the meanwhile can you give me some tips on how you manage any urges if and when you have one and what is your mindset when it comes to remove the brainwash of p*rn. Thanks for the help.

So this is day zero for me amd will be cgecking in for day 1 tomorrow.

Have a good day guys and stay safe


Just get back on that horse and start again.

One thing that I’ve got to understand is that porn has no value. And if it has no value, I’m not going to crave it or want it. For me, quitting porn isn’t just about avoiding xxx websites. It also includes demonstrating full custody of my eyes and mind. The truth is I can get really high off a fantasy or a look of lust. How is it any different if I’m entertaining a sex fantasy, or lusting after a woman by checking her out at a store, or if I’m gratifying myself while viewing a pornographic website. The truth is that it’s all porn to me. So it’s important to me that I expand my definition of porn to include all of my behaviors, not just the ones that are deemed unhealthy by society. Does that mean I’m going to reset if I have a fantasy? No, but I recognize that it’s a step in the wrong direction. EasyWay is a method that focuses on the minds desire for our DOC. If we stop desiring it, sobriety should be easy. Go back and reread from the sections where it discusses brainwashing. I was already choosing to be done with porn before I was halfway through the book. So something is not clicking on your part.

And maybe EasyWay isn’t the right path for you. If you haven’t looked into the 12 steps and gone to a meeting, you should. A lot of people have benefited from that. Keep searching for new answers to find out what needs to change.


Day 80 AF I’m a bit crabby and blue today but I ain’t gonna drink today.

@moonchild7994 :tada: :boom: :partying_face: 22 months!!! Dang!! :partying_face: :boom: :tada:
@carlito2 :sparkles: :partying_face: Congratulations on 6 months!! :partying_face: :sparkles:
@Butterflymoonwoman :purple_heart: 5 days girl!! You’re doing great :purple_heart:
@Newlife5 :green_heart: :tada: You have so much to be proud of. 31 days, a better sense of your own self worth and better health :tada: :green_heart: You know what we’re missing out on? Hangovers, self-loathing and lack of energy. :hugs:


25 Days 17 hours + change

Interview went well, you never know how these things go but I know I gave the best account of myself for the position. Shortlisted from 68 applicants to the final 3 is a good achievement, doesn’t sound as much as it is but for a highly specialist role there are only a small number of suitable candidates who can apply so essentially I’m in the top 3 of the 14000 in my organisation. I know the other 2 finalists too, We have been on the same team through most of our careers and they are good people too so won’t complain if either of them get it.

Feeling positive for the afternoon, still have the overriding CBA feeling but if that’s the worst I feel today I’ll take it!

Hope everyone has a safe happy and healthy day.



Checking in Day 141

Boyfriend coming over tonight so have a lot to do, clean the bathroom, shave my legs lol, wrap his present.

He may have a few drinks but that doesn’t bother me much I will have coffee or something.

Hope you all have a great day!



Thanks for response. I will re read that brainwashing part and also try to finish the book. Have a great night


@Deep @KevinesKay

Very well said. EasyPeazy method works on your mentality when it comes to Porn and taking those same principles to how you see Woman in particular is the real game changer. It isn’t just that brainwashing pushes you to porn, you often find that you stopped seeing woman as nothing but hips, butts, thighs, etc and not people. The book struck me at my core and has changed the way i see woman. When i go somewhere and i see a beautiful person, i literally say to myself, “Human, a person, it’s not about whether i’m attracted or not”. See people beyond the beauty as just people. That brainwashing runs deep but when you shine a light on that and see it for what it is: You poisoning yourself and creating a void that pushes you right back to porn. Halfway through the book, it was already over. I knew it, it just clicked. Might not be your experience. It likens Porn to drinking bleach, who in there right mind would do that? And yet, your poisoning yourself when you look. That struck a nerve with me also. I will help you with this recovery, we are all going through the same thing here.


Thank you for your support and the tip. It means a lot


Look at you so close to a year!! Special Christmas gift to yourself. Wonderful!!!:grinning::grinning:

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Day 499!!?? Tomorrow is a wonderful anniversary!! So happy for you.

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