Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

I hope today is a better day Rob! Hang in there friend :heart:


Thank you bro! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Morning check in
Day 5
This morning I am making a weekly schedule for myself. I thrive off of routine. It keeps me feeling sane and helps me to make sure that I am doing what I need to be doing for my recovery. Today consists of baking 5 layers of cake for an order plus prepping buttercream, laundry, grocery shopping, regular household cleaning, and changing bedding. Usual stuff lol Also going to incorporate some yoga I think. Hope everyone is having a fabulous day! Hugs :hugs:


Good morning/day/evening wherever you are. Today is Day 30. The elusive 30, which I have never reached (slip-free) since Basic Training, Lackland AFB, TX 1989.

Nope, I cannot say I didn’t drink during my pregnancies. There may have been a time before I was 12 that I went 30 days. Maybe. Doubtful, since I don’t think there was ever a 30 break between parties at our house.

So, yesterday, on Day 29, eve of 30, I had to run to the store. When I got there I had this conversation with myself:

Me: You did it! Tomorrow is 30 days!
AV: Yes! You did. You could totally pick up some beer and drink it at the end of Day 30, and then just start again. I mean, after all, you made it to the milestone. What’s one day?

Next thing I know, I am standing in front of the beer door. I have no recollection of getting from the entry to the beer door.

Me: WTF? Kiss my ass, AV. FUCK YOU!

End scene


When they say alcoholism/addiction is Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful… this is an example of that. It’s SO sneaky… im so glad u didn’t listen to it. Congratulations on 1 month my friend! So very very proud of you!!!
:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


It was interesting because in the past, a drinking decision was pretty intentional. The “losing time” from one door to the other freaked me out.


Ya thats interesting. I have no idea what that is about. I have read about that on here but haven’t experienced that myself yet


Hi, Kat here checking in on Day 178. Feeling awesome.

Well some more computer learning to do for new job today I notice they’re not paying me for it, bloody corporations have this figured out. Lol.

Other than that should be getting my 3 youngest boys this weekend so will have to shop.

Better get at it!

Have a great clean and sober day friends!



Beautiful Picture.


Congratulations. Very proud of you :heart:


It’s Friday. Feeling good. In a routine with my exercise routine now. Next is to focus on clean eating.

Super proud of myself. Completed my last assignment this week for my Yoga certification and recieved confirmation of completionnext steps this morning…ie register for Yoga Alliance etc. :hugs::star_struck::heart:

So thankful. Although I’m new in my recovery journey would not have been able to do this while using

Now looking forward to starting my business by the spring of this year.

Great strong sober day and evening all.:pray:t5::purple_heart:


Yay Jené this is huge!!!



Hello guys.
Checking day 4. Pretty tired. Webt to the gym and for a swim.
Hope you have a great day and weekend.


Checking in day 67. Well today my boss sent me flowers and a wonder note.of graduate. So glad to work where i do and that even with a melt down im still heard. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My heart is smiling reading this :relaxed: You’re doing well, girl!


Congrats on your 100 days, and dude those Bangs are insane. I started drinking them last year. Worst caffeine decision of my life.


Checking in day 12 :facepunch:t2:


Well unfortunately I had to restart my timer, so here I am for day 1.


@apes2020 Oh my god, your nails! I am taking a moment to live vicariously thought you. :heart:
@EMMA22 Welcome. You’re doing great!
@anon52066378 congrats on your 60 days!
@Rockstar24777 No one should ever have to live longer than their children. I don’t have kids, but I’m sure even imagining the pain it must bring pales in comparison to what it really feels like.
@DTC52 10 days! Great job!


Hey everyone. Day 11. Friday afternoon. This is the time I get real bad urges to have a drink. I finished up with work stuff a little early and am ready to relax for the night, and now the cravings hit me hard. It feels like it’s all I can think about. I can almost picture myself just hoping in the car and running to the liquor store real quick. It also doesn’t help that I am expecting a big snow storm this weekend and feel like I should run out and stock up for the weekend.

Just trying to keep myself preoccupied with other things to take my mind away from the alcohol. Going to try to meditate or work out and see which one helps meet the most.

Just have to remind myself that “I will not drink today”