Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

My birthday is tomorrow the 3th. The ring is a bit to big but it doesn’t fall off so I think I’ll keep it :sweat_smile:


Day 288.

First morning coffee I the new home :heart:

I woke up to peafefulness. I slept like a baby.

I have tall bamboo growing outside my window.

As I sit here and look at it, it’s almost poetic that I am like bamboo. If anyone knows how bamboo grows. If not, it does a thing where is doesn’t grow for a very long time initially, it maps and plans it way. Then it shoots up out into the sky really fast , growing into its full glory and height… well something close to that, I don’t know the scientific explanation or botany explanation of it, but it goes something like that…

I feel that I’m a metaphor for bamboo in sobriety.

I was not growing. I was making and planning my way and I stayed motionless. Then I grew. Fast and strong with a map and a plan to reach great heights…

The height wave is finally over.

As I lay in bed, it has stared to rain. It’s actually cold out side. It’s nice. It’s comforting . The heat was so unbearably uncomfortable.

I have the day off work. I will unpack as much as possible. Go shopping for house things I need.

I did a BIGGGGG Marie Kondo declutter as I was packing yesterday.

I literally threw out all my furniture and electrical things.

I came only with a mattress. A television. Clothes racks. My clothes/shoes. And of course, my French press coffee maker.

I left all I could behind so that I can start fresh. New house new energy.

Waking up this morning on a mattress on the floor with no bedbase was actually rewarding. It gave me the feeling of starting new.

There is an echo in my home it is that empty. I love it. So much space and possibilities…

On my 288th day I’ve woken up with so much gratitude for my sobriety. It is because of it I am here today… :heart:

And I’m grateful for all of you amazing friends aswell :heart: :yum:

Oh and I have a new house pet, it’s a plant 🪴 it was a house warming gift. I will endeavour to keep it alive :joy:


I am bamboo lol :laughing:

Of course I had to google how bamboo grows coz the metaphor was in my head lol :laughing:


Enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts and enjoy and embrace your new surroundings :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy Birthday!! :balloon::confetti_ball::tada:


Day 27 here! In the mist of a snow storm 8 inches so far and still lightly snowing. So glad that I’m not worried about running out of wine! Will have a fire going soon and hunker down with a good movie!


Aww. That’s great April.
I’m So happy for you. You did it!!


You made the big move.


Love that bouncing little dude ! He looks like bamboo lol :laughing:


I’m in therapy and on meds for a few different things. Thank you for checking in, I appreciate it. :heart:


Absolutely he is :bamboo:


Day 287 of no self harm. Feeling extremely anxious today for no real reason. I’m trying my best to keep busy.

The only person in my life who supports me is going to be unavailable for the next few days. It’s gonna be tough, but I’ve promised him already that I’ll be okay and I won’t harm myself in any way. I’m just going to have to keep busy and/or sleep a lot.

It’s going to be hard, but staying clean on my own with no support will at least prove to my friend and to myself that I’m capable of getting through the urge to relapse on my own.

It comes in waves, and the feeling always passes eventually. I just have to remember that


4 digits - 1000 days! Fantastic numbers congratulations and well done.


@Rockstar24777 Congratulations!

@AyBee Oh my goodness, quadruple digits! Fantastic!

@RosaCanDo Happy birthday! Glad u had a nice weekend.

@Butterflymoonwoman I am terribly jealous of people. I also hate it because I think it is such a small mean emotion. But u can’t help the emotions u have. And jealousy comes from fear of not being enough. So I accept the jealousy is there, work on my own self-esteem, and make sure my behavior, which I can control, is supportive and admiring.

@CATMANCAM I admire your fight to stay sober. Good luck with the surgery.

@apes2020 Yay, new home!





Hey everyone! Checking in on day 4! Despite my decent mood I slept very poorly last night. Couldn’t fall asleep for hours and the alarm came way too soon. But despite that, i actually didn’t need a nap today cause I was working through it. My mind wandered a little tonight and the cravings hit hard around 3. Decided I was going to rearrange some furniture to take my mind off things. Oddly changing the furniture also feels like it is giving me a new feel on life. It feels like it is a good step in the right direction. Maybe I’ll even shave to put myself even more on this new path! This new me! It’s been hard but I feel like I can do this.

Just wanted to share with this amazing community. Thank you to everyone for responding and for sharing your own stories. I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of you.

I wish you all the best!


You’re awesome, that’s some great numbers dude, congrats on 500 🫂. Hugs not drugs :slightly_smiling_face:


Look at you being a rockstar!!! Way to be! :heartpulse:


Wooooo!! Congrats on 500, that is awesome!!


Brilliant job, well done!