Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Hey Apes,

Suggestion you don’t have to take, did you message the person directly requesting them to remove it.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a pretty stubborn person but if someone messsaged me requesting I removed a photo they may have found triggering, I’d do it, I respect our friendship more than an opinion, I may have.

Either way your good people and an asset, hate to see you go but you know what’s best for you keep in touch eh? Until then, keep repping the land of Oz

  1. Coffee. Working weekend. I slept OK. Now let’s make it a decent day too. I’ll make it sober and clean for one thing, or nothing would come of it, and nothing would come of me either. Have as good a weekend as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam where Luna loves her new toys.

@Lorelai thank you
@Mno that is very true, isolation is not the way to recovery
@Its_me_Stella thank you good to see you here :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your 1 year off Xanax and 9 months free of Meth Rich.

Great work there! Keep it up. Nice to see you checking in.


Happy birthday Jenny! :confetti_ball:


Talking Sober Rules and Guidelines

If you see something that you think breaks any of these then please flag it or pm a mod.


Hey everyone, I’ve been gone for a few months but I’m back saying hi and having another crack…lasted 2 months AF and haven’t been too bad but realise I don’t like my energy when I’m drinking…I can be hilarious and have a great time but I’m wanting peace in my body, my soul, my mind. 3 days today AF


Checking in sober and hang-over free.

I recharged my battery with a 10 hour sleep, and I feeling much better. I am grateful I didn’t drink alcohol to do so. I am gone enjoy my weekend off. First a 17km hike and afterwards SUSHI! :bento: :sushi: :oden:
I am gone be around people who drink alcohol tonight. It’s gone be test again, but nothing I cant handle. Sober is the way, the only way.
Have a nice sober weekend my friends.

@anon52066378 Congrats with your :nine: :zero: days of sobriety. Well done! :star_struck:

@JennyH Congrats on your :two: :zero: days. Keep up the good work :partying_face:

@KevinesKay Congratulations. :four: months your are doing great! :star_struck:

@roses4me :three: :zero: days congratulations. Amazing milestone! :partying_face:

@RecoveringJP Awesome! :five: months. congratulations with this milestone. :star_struck:

And for the people I missed the last few days. congrats as well.

One day at a time, we got this.

:blue_heart: :pray:


Morning, beautiful sunshine here in Hertfordshire.

Luna is beautiful @Mno How old is she?

Thank you @ShadowFax Your day sounds awesome, and definitely better hangover free. I can’t manage big walks atm so will have to live through you. Feel free to post photos! I am going to get out into nature though, but visiting a country mansion and grounds. It will involve as much walking as I can manage, and lots of beautiful scenery.

Day 21 here, welcoming the weekend, and not because I can drink more! Have a great day everyone.


This sounds fun too, I love all those mansions and historical buildings you have in your country.
I am actually planning a hiking trip too the UK in Oktober to to soak up some history.
Have a nice day!


@Mno your sweet Luna girl looks like a playful kitten with her toys!
@ShadowFax have a good day, stay strong and keep your guard up
@apes2020 sorry you were triggered, disappointed, feeling let down and all the other emotions you must feel to want to leave. Hope you will stay and come back soon if you choose to leave or are already gone.
You’re cared for. :hugs: Take care and stay free.


Fantastic! I am so glad that you’ve found something that seems to be sticking. Hope you do feel able to share so others can celebrate and struggle along with you.

If people become unsupportive then mods can always help by removing posts, responding to flags etc :blush: Obvs your choice though!


Wahoo good news on the job interview!

Hopefully some of that anxiety can cross over into excitement about the new opportunity ahead of you :blush:

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Luna will be 17 in May Jenny. At least I hope so :heart_eyes: :pray: :heart_eyes_cat:. Been with me since 18 months old, together with her sister Rosa who died of cancer some 7 years ago.


Beautiful names, both of them. She looks so good for her age :heart_eyes: Wishing her a happy birthday in advance. Our cats are only young and have already made such an impact in our lives.


Hey Kiki,

I’m so so sorry to read this. Your experience at a young age and how it has now affected you.

I’m not a counsellor, but I won’t bail on you. I may not be the greatest person to talk to either but I will listen. Get in touch if you need anything!

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Day 3

All signs says it is tonsilitis, my weak point. So started to use stronger medicine. Hope I will be ready to new work on tuesday.

Anyway this is how some places of our supermarkets look like now

Post Soviet country and are very important strategic location, so many people are preparing for posibility of War. ATM’s are running out of cash.

War never changes… Not sure how many knows but Ukrainian war is happening for 8 years now. Something was about to happen… Hope this will end soon.


Checking in on day 260 from Frankfurt Airport. Returning home from a work trip having succeeded in remaining sober. Sending peaceful thoughts to all my TS friends during these turbulent times.


Thanks Claudia!! :innocent::tada: Working, so nothing special… and certainly not drinking! :grimacing:


Day 564

Husband was/is out today, so a quiet day at home, with one or the other of the kids, easy meals, and too much faffing about online.