Checking in daily to maintain focus #40

Today I was reminded not to sweat the small stuff. I was having a crazy busy morning and getting ready to teach three classes back to back without a break and hadn’t gotten anything prepared or even eaten yet and I was feeling really stressed but I was trying to keep it together. Wednesday morning 9:00 a.m. is my smallest class and as I opened the meeting I realized it was 9:01 and no one was there, 9:05 no one was there 9:10, no one was there. I checked in with everyone… Someone was skiing someone ,was coming back from Hawaii, someone was flying to LA, someone hired a new housekeeper and had to show them around… like seriously nobody showed up! I’m so glad I didn’t let myself get more stressed for no reason at all, because now I have time for myself until my 10:00 class and I can’t believe things work out this way.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Sometimes things happen to us to teach us something or show us we need a break lol glad u got some down time to take care of you! :slight_smile:


@Jmillwill Welcome to the forum. I hope this will be a useful tool for you to stay on the path. I know you can do this.
@anon53116147 I’ve missed a lot about what’s going on with getting the treadmill to you, but with the shortage in both parts, labor, shipping personnel, etc., it’s getting harder and harder to get items in time or sometimes to get them at all. I’m really sorry it hasn’t gotten to you yet but I’ll cross my fingers for you that it will be soon.
@Dansig So glad to hear about the job offer! Way to go!
@Butterflymoonwoman I love Insght Timer. I’ve tried a lot of meditation apps, even testing out paid ones or paid options, and I think Insight Timer is the best and easiest to use. You’re doing so well! I’m excited to see your number hit 30!
@Deelzebub Great job on hitting 7 days! The first week can be so hard sometimes.


Hello. I am very sorry you are feeling that way. I do not know what to actually say that may help you.
But you said you did therapy, try to talk to them how you are feeling.
You should try exercising for a while and see if that changes anything.
I had overcome depression and from really low self esteem back in 2019. And what helped me that time was meditation and exercise. And it took me nearly 2-3 months to heal.

Give meditation a go and try to accept all that you are experiencing. I watch a guy called Personal Mastery Quest on youtube. He has great content on how to let go or deal with difficult situations.

And remember that there is a way out. Do not give up.


Hey guys. Just checking in day 44.
Have a nice day. Peace.


Checking in on day 5 :muscle:
I was sober for some years, drank a little amount on one damn day and my body remembers it. Strongly.
I had like 10 minutes today when I wanted to have a beer. Pushed through. But today is a not so easy day. Dark thoughts bc we had bad vibes at work and I listened to the news too long.
But now I’m safe, on my couch, watching Supernatural.
It will all be good.


@Dansig huge congrats and I know how you feel I am working now and no way could I do that while using. Awesome transition!


@anon42928441 17 days :heart: can’t believe I’ve made it this far. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Way to go Sabrina!!!


Checking in
I have completed a few things that needed taking care of so far today. Took me all morning to get answers via phone but that’s ok… I was patient and kind and just worked thru my stress (had to do with tax refunds etc and talking to the government is stressful for me lol). Made an appt to get my med dose increased and then my hubby got some answers about his dental. We were hoping to use my tax refund to get his dental work done so this is all happening so fast. Taking some time to eat and relax and connect with my HP. Then off to do some cleaning and laundry etc. I read the NA book JFT. I laughed at this since it’s about patience and it talks about how us addicts tend to struggle with the everyday daily stuff and not so much the huge events that occur in our lives. Wow can I ever relate to that. I can handle big upsetting events much easier than I can the everyday tasks that stress me out. Can we say living problem? Like it actually baffles me how little I know about handling my emotions and just managing daily “stuff”. I mean I guess I learned much differently about how to live life since the age of 15 cuz drugs were always involved. So I suppose this makes sense. But I literally feel like I’m learning stuff now that I should’ve learned like 22 years ago haha but we are works of progress not perfection :butterfly:


…1447. Camping in Kentucky in September for my birthday…going to Louder than Life…a 4 day concert…

There is no way in the world, I would have been able to go if I was still drinking…another blessing of sobriety


So glad you pushed through. Reach out anytime if you need support and keep posting. It’s inspiring and I’m so proud of you♥️


Only said out of care. Congrats on your time, and on trying new things to stay sober :purple_heart:.


Absolutely! Have fun!


Wow! I’m super jealous! That’s a great lineup.


There are some legendary names in that line up!! Enjoy!


So amazing! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: Let’s get to that 20 :relaxed:


Holy cow! Look at that line up! How exciting! I’ve seen Slipknot and Lamb of God live. Slipknot put on a really great show. Man, I’d love to see Apocalyptica live (among others in that list!). I hope you have a great time!


Day 8 of no self harm.

My health is declining a lot. Mostly physical. I can’t even do simple chores like sweeping anymore. And my immune system is so weak I stress myself into fevers pretty often. I know eating would help, but it’s not just food affecting this. I have a doctor’s appointment next week to hopefully figure this out. But I have fibromyalgia and that could be causing a lot of this. Unfortunately there is no solution/cure. I can only treat the symptoms.

Feeling exhausted today. Can’t seem to keep focus on anything. Dissociating a lot


Day 170.

Been loving being able to wake up well before sunrise and being asleep before midnight. It’s been a while since my sleep schedule was perfect and not overly fragile.
Yesterday, I spent the day with my longtime childhood friend and it was both heartbreaking/relieving. I guess he is sick of where he’s at in life and wants to grow in both his career and as a person, realized that smoking weed has been holding him back from alot of things in life. He knew that I had gone sober and opened up to me.(he’s one of those men that believes men shouldn’t ask for help or have feelings) So he’s in super early sobriety and has just been open and vulnerable and I’m proud of him for wanting more out of life. I understand him completely because I want more. I want everything that life has to offer.
This life is mine and I’m going to seize it.
I’ve been staying busy and just trying to find new ways to be even more healthy, both in body and mind.

I will never tire of the beautiful California sunrise.
Breathing seems to gets a little bit easier every day.