25 days! That’s soooo awesome!
-about your wedding ring falling off… Do you mean you were googling why it might have fallen off??? Honestly I cannot wear my wedding rings all the time because my fingers swell and shrink so much with heat, cold or stress… Or inflamation!!!
In fact I’ve barely worn them at all the past few years because they were way tighter. I hadn’t gained any weight, but they were so tight on my finger and I really think it was partly due to inflammation. Now without alcohol in my system they’re back to the way they fit the first day I wore them. (But they do get a lot looser when I’m cold) okay this might sound all really weird but I just thought I’d share lol… I woke up feeling kind of weird today too
Ya I always overthink and that there’s a damn meaning for everything. I’m constantly wondering what is this supposed to show me or teach me. Like literally Dana… let’s not even think of even the most logical explanation for this happening?! Lol U could be right tho!!! Maybe my ring was uncomfortable on my finger and I took it off mid-sleep. It was like my ring was placed on the floor next to my bed. So weird. And I NEVER take it off. Anyway haha glad to hear I’m not the only one feeling the weird vibe lol it’s pretty intense today! Maybe I should embrace it instead of trying to figure it out and avoid it. They say 1st quarter moons are about creativity and moving forward or something like that. Hmmm
Day 95 I’m in the same boat man ha! I start at 3am end at 3pm I eat my lunch then crash in the front seat we killin it! Hell yeah man congrats on your 4 days! Peace
80 days too cool congratulations!
Great job Pica.
Beautiful number. I’m glad your here. And It’s not just those pets of yours
Checking in day 65 AF AF
Hi Kat here checking in Day 218, all is well. Did a NA Zoom meeting last night which was good, tonight an in-person meeting.
@CATMANCAM thinking of you, be safe, take care of yourself
@Butterflymoonwoman 25 days you got this! Congrats on the dental bills.
Love Kat
When I was working out my Dr suggested I void all supplements with Creatine in them. Apparently they have an adverse reaction on people’s moods if you have a mood disorder.
(Not that you have a mood disorder just food for thought. )
" Taken together, there remains the possibility that creatine can increase risk of mania or depression in susceptible individuals . It is also possible that long-term high dosing of creatine alters creatine transporter function or creatine kinase activity in a manner that adversely affects emotional regulation"
Creatine metabolism and psychiatric disorders: Does creatine supplementation have therapeutic value?.
It’s happening. My biggest fear…
As you maybe know I’m a medical assistant. Tomorrow 3 coworkers won’t be with us to help. Instead 6 we’ll be only 3 assistants.
Every Friday we do fluorescence angiography.
Years ago a patient collapsed in front of me while I was doing this examination. I didn’t do it since then bc I am afraid of exactly this: a collapsed patient.
But tomorrow I must be brave and do this bc we don’t have enough assistants.
So today my co worker tried to teach me how to do the angiography correctly, it’s been almost 8 years since my last one.
I asked another co-worker if we could split the patients. Everyone of us would do 8 instead of 16. But she refused. She just doesn’t want to do it. No fear, just no interest in helping the team in this special situation.
In times of a crisis you see the true character of a person. Now I know hers. I’ll be professional, I’ll still talk to her. But she’ll know and feel that I’m done with her.
I try to overcome my fear, she’s egoistic.
I won’t drink today, but believe me I want to.
But this wouldn’t help at all.
So yeah…I’m scared…but sober. Day 6.
Day 636 clean and sober today. Have a wonderful day everyone, love you guys!!!
We’re sober cousins, 647 here!
You have a good day too,
Thank you that’s definitely interesting. And yeah I’d say I have a mood disorder . And this stuff definitely doesn’t help it
Haha, you said it not me!
You gave the program an honest try. I think that’s all that can be said for anything. There is no one size fits all approach. You have been through a lot. I can empathize very strongly with you. My mother has been through hell and back, and she is utterly wrecked emotionally. And I have seen people who were supposed to be in helper type roles attack and condemn her as faking things, lying about her emotional situation or having panic attacks/nightmarish flashbacks.
One thing I’ve learned is that there are some people in this world who simply do not have a reference for emotional pain past a certain level. Sometimes that’s for a lack of experience on their part (lucky them), suppressing their own feelings from whatever they might have experienced, or sometimes they’re simply not built to go that deep. There is a certain amount of patience, understanding, and fortitude needed when working with others who have been deeply traumatized, but I think sometimes the walking wounded are like the ball in a pinball machine–being knocked about from this person to that program to some other thing as they are just trying to find the love, compassion, and some kind of pathway that will work for them.
I’m glad you disingaged from your previous sponsor and that you’ve found someone who can help and guide you in a manner more fitting to your personal needs and situation. Not only that but the possibility of friendship! I hope everything works out!
@anon53116147 I thought your post was fine. You were being honest. I used to blend that C4 pre-workout stuff with ice for something to snack on… Eventually I stopped using it. There was something about it that didnt’ sit right with me.
@mno Those flowers are so beautiful! What a great picture!
@mich80 Great job with your 4 months!
@pica 80 days! How awesome!
@Sabrina80 That sounds like a terrible thing that happened before, but that is the past. This is the now. You can do this. You can. You will be brave and you will as conscienscious as you have the capacity to be. In movies, heros are shown to be climbing tall buildings, standing against some overt evil, and saving the world; but in real life, heros are found in every day situations and in the privacy of our own lives. Each time we face that thing that frightens or terrifies us, and we do the thing anyway… In that moment we become heros in our own story. You can do this.
On Day 4 and still doing good. I think my biggest issue which has been an issue my whole life is falling asleep. Melatonin has never worked but I got something called sleep support that seems to be helping. I also had a family therapy session with my son that’s in a behavioral hospital and he seems to be doing better; he had several issues this week but it looks like he may be starting to take some responsibility for his own actions. I was afraid it was going to go bad and be a trigger so I had calming tea ready to go, but it went good. Today I’ll be helping my other 2 boys with their schooling and planning out our spring garden.
This is day 8 for me and it has been a bit of a mixed bag so far. I rarely have trouble getting to sleep, but the past two nights I’ve woken in the early hours after vivid and transformational dreams and then struggled to get back to sleep. I feel a bit sleep deprived so tonight I’ll take one of my prescription medicines that I’ve found will help me to sleep through (albeit I usually end up with a drowsy morning the next day)
I met up with one of the women that was at my first meeting on Monday and we had coffee and cake and a lovely and very funny chat. She gave me a list of resources that she had found useful.
Then I had my daily phone chat with my parents which ended up feeling a bit awkward to be honest. They are not the best communicators so when the disagree about anything it becomes confrontational. I haven’t told them that I’m sober again yet. They are very heavy drinkers themselves.
I’ve been headachey these last few days. I feel like I’m doing a lot of thinking and processing of emotions.
All in all I know that I am on the right path again and for that I’m thankful.
Checking in on day 130
Things are running quite smooth, I am thankful for a good night sleep, despite all the shitty news in the world.
Like Eric @Dazercat likes to say; I’m not drinking today, and probably won’t be drinking tomorrow!
That’s awesome and thank you, you too!!
Very glad to see you Joy! Hope you’re OK my friend. Big hugs.