Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

Oh I’m sorry you feel sick. I hope it passes soon! Peppermint tea? Pepto-Bismol?
I neglected studying today too :tired_face:

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Def take your time and enjoy your time together getting to know each other. It is so much fun getting to know what each other likes, hobbies, tastes, etc.:wink:

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Prayers for your grandpa!

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Hey everyone. Getting toward the end of day 5. I don’t know what it is right now, maybe the Sunday blues, but I am feeling really anxious and stressed out. It’s giving me big urges to drink right now. I’m not going to, I just know that when I feel like this, that this is the point where I would drink. Just wanted to check in here and read around some to remember why I am doing this. Hopefully I’ll get to bed soon and get some sleep.


Thank you for caring, Fleur. :yellow_heart: @Misokatsu

Thank you, Sebastian. :slightly_smiling_face: @Seb

@Miranda Maybe I am rushing my grief. I hadn’t thought that, but I’m grieving for my sons’ losses, too. These were good friends of theirs, and one of the guys lived with us for a time. It is a lot of loss in a short time. By the third death, I think we were all in shock. This just doesn’t happen… but it did. Thank you for the hug. :revolving_hearts:


I appreciate you, Eric. Yes, I think it’s gonna take more time. Plus, the scare we had with my youngest son earlier in the week was terrifying. It’s all been so much, so heavy. I definitely need time and ways to recharge and to be lifted. Thank you for the hugs. I’m glad you’re here, too. :heart:


So much loss… grief takes time and needs time. Grief hurts and steals. Keep giving yourself the time to grieve. It always helps me to write some of my feelings and memories down and you are doing that . If you’re able to try to have some very simple pleasures. Whether it’s a gaze out the window, the feeling of knowing people care, the smell of bread or flour or your grandchildren.
Lots of hugs and love for you during this hard time. Thinking about you and sending healing to you that you will slowly heal in your own time. I’m so sorry all of this happened. :purple_heart:
Edit. Flowers. Not flour.


Thank you, Alisa. :purple_heart: We spent the weekend with Keely, and when we left today, I apologized to them for being so blah. I’m normally really lighthearted when I visit with them, but I just couldn’t pick myself up, no matter how hard I tried. I guess it’s going to take me more time. I’m holding on to y’all’s kindness. That helps tremendously. Thank you for the love and hugs. :revolving_hearts:


Thank you @DLS @Miranda @Fury @Butterflymoonwoman! I really appreciate your support and kind words. He tried to continue to manipulate me the rest of the day until he left and went out drinking. :expressionless:
But in the midst of fighting we did agree to not fight in front of our son. I worry so much about the damage. It’s not horrible fighting, but I’d definitely is raised voices and it affects my son.
I stayed strong. Closing out the night - I did it! 2 weeks!
Tomorrow night I have a concert to attend. But to be honest I’m not sweating it. Going with my sister and she’s cutting out alcohol too so we can stay strong together :muscle:
Have a great night and see you on the other side of dreamland!


What concert?

I was just talking to a forum friend about a festival in Danville VA that We’re looking to go to

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Carseat Headrest - they’re playing in Charlottesville. I’m so happy to have live music back!

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I haven’t been to Charlottesville in about a year, they always have cool shows. A friend of mine well rehab buddy lives there, Hope he’s well

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I think day 3 and day 5 are two of the hardest.
I’m glad you’re hear. I was super anxious yesterday. A better sleep and a walk this morning definitely helped. I also did a little meditation today and took some time to read and relax which is really hard for me. I hope you’re feeling better❤️


I went to visit my niece and nephew. Finally catching up after a few years. I found out my bro is still homeless, and just hearing about all that made me feel like shit. I hope my bro can get his life together.

Yall stay safe and take care. Good nite everyone. Tomorrow is a new day.


Morning check in, 95 days! Ready to start the work week. The last couple of weeks, maybe months, I have the hardest time getting up in the morning. I get up as soon as alarm ring, but every morning I feel like I was hit by a truck. Dead tired, feeling all drained. I get enough hours, so I dont get it. Its exhausting.

What do you guys do to feel fresh and ready when you wake up in the morning?

Have a great monday! :slightly_smiling_face:


As said above a few times allready, don’t rush grieve. It takes time, so allow yourself that time.
My condoleances, take care.

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Day 195 checking in not in the best head space as I’ve had a massive argument with my wife so I’ve came to a family members for a few nites till things settle down will be looking for my own place one things for sure drinking and drugging won’t solve my problems have a good day everyone :pray:t2:


Day 8 sober. Super, super tired


Coffee. New workweek. Got some preparing to do for a meeting/training before my regular late shift. Otherwise not that much to mention. I’m sober and clean. That’s always worth mentioning because without that nothing would come of anything in my life.
Have as good a week as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It’s the only way. One day at a time. Love from Saturday’s market.

@ShesGotMoxie There’s no timetable for this. Thinking of you and yours. Big big hugs.
@SadMemeQueen Positive thoughts and vibes for your grandpa Megan.
@mamador Sounds like a solid plan to me Marianna. Here we are. Just for today.
@Tors Big congrats on making it to day 4, that’s huge. Keep going Victoria!
@Its_me_Stella Enjoy! Happyhappy joyjoy!


I’m at the end of day 4 and it’s heightened for sure, I have been in this spot before and thankfully I know, for me, towards the end of the first week I’d the hardest but one I get over that hurdle I’m good.
I added some personal milestones on this app and day 4 is one of them as this is usually when I cave.
Happy to be home after a day of work and now getting dinner ready