Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Checking in Day 15-
Great day today. Woke up with major anxiety, but I was able to process the feelings and I exercised through going on a long power walk. I spoke with a colleague about a potential job and he will be passing on my CV to the hiring VP. I actually found out that I have made it to the 2nd round of interviews for a job with a state community college. This would be a pivot in my career, but could be fun! I have the interview tomorrow afternoon. Lastly, I did hear back from the recruiter about the opportunity in Tennessee. I should be getting the thumbs up for a final interview this week. Cross your fingers as this is the job I want.

I’m trying my hardest to not attribute my sense of worth to my career. I know that one should not be totally geared towards only defining oneself to their occupation. This time of transition is very challenging. I’m being challenged to trust my HP and focus on my sobriety.