Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

You made it, Brian!


Checking in at day 266.
I try to use my time well now that I am not working and need to rest. And that makes everything fall into place. My sponsor had asked me a while ago to attend about 3 online meetings a week and read the book every day. When I was still working, this was not always possible in combination with the fatigue and being ill. But now I certainly manage to spend 1.5 hours of my time on my recovery and rest for the rest of the day. As a result, I have come to a very nice insight. For example, I read the following passage: As addicts, we can only be helped if we can recognize that we are completely defeated. The whole piece is about recognizing that you are powerless over addiction. I experienced, felt and acknowledged that almost 9 months ago with my drug use. But there was still a behavior like not taking good care of yourself that I did. Continue to work even with a fever. Feeling and knowing deep inside that I worked too much but just bury my head in the sand. The words of the doctor gave me confirmation and reading the book ensures an understanding of my (old) behavior. So I surrendered to that too. No more resistance. I need to recover both mentally and physically. This is how recovery looks like. Take a closer look at yourself and your behavior so that you can change unconsciously learned behaviour. I am grateful for the step I have taken. It gives me a lot of peace now :pray:


30 days is great! You can be proud of yourself :partying_face:


Good Morning sober friends*
Feeling unsettled this morning and thought Iā€™d check in. Today is the 10 year anniversary of my motherā€™s passing which feels significant. Itā€™s hard to process that Iā€™ve been without her for a decade. There are so many milestones & life events that I wish she could have been here to experience with me. I lost her when I was 21 and experiencing my adulthood without her by my side just feels sad. Every year that passes I feel a little further away from her. I lose memories, details, smellsā€¦ What will I have left one or two decades from now? The weight of this sadness is overwhelming.
Anyway, spending the day in one of our old favorite places - remembering, loving, honoring - not numbing with weed or alcohol.


Iā€™m so glad for you! That sounds so good. The things youā€™ve done and the fact that youā€™ve had such a good time gives me the courage to try something similar :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 709. I hope everybody has a good one!


Here I am still day 11. Almost my weekend today is my last day of work for the week. Excited for today going to rain a lot the next couple days. I like rain days just sit in the house and watch movies with the family.


Good morning :sun_with_face:.

First time checking in here! Today is day 565 no drugs or alcohol. :pray:

Incredibly grateful for the life Iā€™m creating in sobriety, & for not drinking today a few times in a row!

But my recovery journey is beginning to plateau, I have a routine, a sponsor, meetings, & a sober networkā€¦ but I feel my intuition pulling me to try new things, as well as continue the journey Iā€™ve already begun!

Grateful these online forums exist, & that Iā€™ve found my way to this one!



Start of day 2. I have started and relapsed so many times I canā€™t even count. I feel terrible. Withdrawing from prescription pills is never fun. Just going to get through it. Usually after 3 Days the hard physical part is over and then I have to really focus on my mental state and well-being. Have a terrific sober Tuesday everyone.


Welcome Kate @KRO!

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Good morning everyoneā€¦this forum saves my life every day! And FOUR that I am FOUREVER grateful!


Love the numer @Mbwoman congrats on your ongoing recovery!


It took them 3 hours!!! Omg! Iā€™m glad ur okay though. I wouldā€™ve been frantic about that chest pain. How r u feeling now? Wvats ur new position like?


:high_brightness: Morning Check in :high_brightness:
Day 99
Woke up quite emotional. I did go to the gym this morning but REALLY struggling with the workout. My mind wasnt focused lol But I did attempt to get some exercise in with whatever I could do. I went though so I will take that as a win. Not every workout has to be extreme. Iā€™m honestly feeling a spiritual ā€œpullā€ today. I think I just need to pray and connect with God, read my daily readings, get into the Word for a bit, and to smudge and do some mindfullness today. Maybe a meditation or something. Just really feeling that pull to do that today, so I will listen and do that and get grounded again. I am soooo excited for tomorrow! Triple digitsā€¦ omg :astonished: I am soo excitedā€¦ but there is also another feeling thereā€¦ not sure what it is just yet. Iā€™m going to assume fear and gratitude. Fear with being clean for so long and gratitude with being clean for so long :slight_smile: Anyway, I hope everyone has an addiction free day!
Hugs TS fam!


Almost triple digits for you


Perfect! So pleased you enjoyed :slightly_smiling_face:



Goals for today

  1. Eat 3 meals
  2. Go to Amelia room for meeting
  3. Follow up on a job at 2 oā€™clock
  4. Skateboard when it cools down
  5. go swimming
  6. Play guitar for 1 hour
  7. Post office

Most importantly Iā€™m not going to let other peopleā€™s emotions or negativity Affect me. Iā€™m not going to personalize the person who is rude to me in the grocery store lineā€¦ Or the person who yells out of their car. I have to understand that not everybody is in recovery or wants to be a good person. Not everyone wants to change or wants to head towards the positive . Iā€™m going to play the tape through on all of my decisions. Iā€™m going to work on my connection with God. Iā€™m going to stay in today as much as possible

I hope everybody has a good day :grinning:


Checking in on 512 days , have a strong day all :pray:


Day 711 clean and sober today. Have a beautiful day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thatā€™s awesome!!! I think sober camping was one of my favorite milestones because it was just so refreshing to be out immersed in nature and fully present. I know you appreciate that, too, chica. Happy for you!