Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Nice catch @Mbwoman, love that number!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


It is a lot. There were many years that the only time I could go without alcohol were the 6-8 hours I was passed out. When I woke up I was sick and shaking and would have to start drinking so yes, 10 hours is alot.

I am happy to see you joining us checking in. This checkin in thread was instrumental in getting me through my first year of recovery. I checked in every day and sometimes multiple times a day when things felt hard.
Keep coming back.



Soooo good to hear this @SadMemeQueen!!! Youā€™ve gone from self harm to self care and Iā€™m soooo proud of you Megan!!! I also like the way you recognized you needed time for yourself but actually DID take the time for yourself thatā€™s huge!!! Sometimes we know we need to do something for ourselves but donā€™t out of fear of hurting someone elseā€™s feelings so thatā€™s another huge win in your recovery. Another huge win is that it sounds like you have an amazing person in your life and Iā€™m soooo happy you have support! Keep up the good work!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


So sorry youā€™re going through this today but itā€™s good youā€™ve checked in for support. That sounds like youā€™re honoring her memory well. We hurt deeply because we have loved so strongly and continue to love forever. Sending well wishes your way on this anniversary.


Welcome back, Briella. You know what to do! Glad youā€™re here for some added support and accountability. Hope to see you continue checking in.

@KRO Welcome to the community, Kate, and well done on your recovery time! Glad you found us.


Hi everyone checking in day 28. My issues on many past occasions was I was able to get sober but staying sober was another level. I can see why as well now because I have to deal with the asshole in the mirror with a laundry list of character defects created by alcoholism and all that goes with it. This time Iā€™m taking it one day at a time and as the struggles become harder I pray for a little more faith and patience to deal with myself. I hope everyone is having a great day. God Bless this community. This app is such a blessing.


Checking in on day 381. Got the call this morning that my daughter has been accepted into a total advanced placement cluster curriculum starting next year. This is of course awesome news. I canā€™t say she has ever really struggled academically, but this year she really shot for the stars as a young student Allstar athlete. I canā€™t help but think perhaps it was slightly influenced by her old man getting sober and improving relationships with everyone in the home from mom to kids and pets, inviting in a sort of peace and stability. Iā€™m feeling really content today. Have a great day everyone. Itā€™s a great day to be above ground and sober.


I know itā€™s really hard @Ceeds, my wife and son that passed away have birthdays the 26th and 27th this week and the weight has been very heavy. Just wanted to let you know that youā€™re heard and that youā€™re not alone. Iā€™m sorry for your loss





I am glad you are checking in J. It must be very difficult I canā€™t imagine how you are feeling but I love the choice you have made in honoring her memory. Sending lots of love your way.



Checking in @day #25

Love you fam. Have a blessed day today :pray:t3:


Day 8 and feeling both at peace and antsy, which i know maybe doesnā€™t make sense. One minute I think ā€œIā€™ve got this!ā€ and the next Iā€™m not so sure. Took a long walk by the ocean this morning and that helped. Now a full day of work (I work from home) but my kid is home sick from school so it will be a long one. Have a great day, everyone.


Just checking in. My mind goes from why not take one why canā€™t I do this to no I donā€™t want this anymore.

Everybody keep strong


Congratulations and great catch!


Another great catch! Doing amazing @Charlie_C !


Thank youā€‹:heart::heart::heart:


Checking in (5 years, 5 months and 10 days of no alcohol). I went to therapy yesterday and we were able to zero in on some of the things that were distracting me and causing me to want to avoid work. Work and productivity issues trigger fears in me since I am self employed. I fear that I will fail and end up in financial ruin!! Catastrophic thinking then further makes it hard to work and be productive. So Iā€™m feeling much better and more focused than this time yesterday. The fears that we were focusing on go back to when I was 3 and got lost at the beach. I was lost and overwhelmed, couldnā€™t find my mom and I think it really scared me that I had to trust strangers to help me. So when I get overwhelmed with work stuff, it can take me back there to the beach when I felt so unsafe. I was also born with a lazy eye. I knew from a really young age that I was ā€œdifferentā€ than other people and there was something ā€œwrongā€ with me and that I had problems, probably at about that same age of 3. It really stuck with me for a long time. I had two surgeries to straighten my eyes, but the 3 year old me sometimes crops back up. You can imagine how drinking was a convenient way to deal with these feelings and make me feel safe. Much healthier to do it this way, in therapy and by sharing to take the power away. Have a happy and safe Tuesday everyone!


Very nice numbers @Charlie_C :partying_face:

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Day 245 checking in :pray:t2:


Hi Folks Kat here checking in day 292 free from meth pills.

I apologize for not checking in yesterday my depression is kicking my ass. Last night was feeling so bad I was thinking of suicide (donā€™t worry just ideation). Sigh. Well, took my meds, a slightly increased dose of both that I have researched is ok. Feel better this morning at work.

I know self-medication is not ideal and I am looking very forward to my psychiatrist appointment on June 1. I also see a therapist on Thursday. I know I will get through this, and I know damn well using will not help either. Hope to make my homegroup NA meeting tonight (first in 3 weeks).

I downloaded a great app the other day, it is called ā€˜Hallowā€™ and is for Catholics. I have also reached out to come back to the church. I badly need God in my life as much as possible.

Love you all and have a great sober day!

PS the mental health thread on here has also been a help